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How to Make Milk-Based Hand Lotion

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    • 1). Pour the milk into a bowl. Add the dried chamomile to the milk. Allow the chamomile to soak in the milk for at least two hours.

    • 2). Place the strainer over an empty bowl. Pour the milk and chamomile mixture into the strainer. Collect the strained liquid in the bowl. Discard the chamomile left in the strainer.

    • 3). Pour the milk in the bowl into the glass pitcher on the blender. Sprinkle the wheat germ into the pitcher. Place the lid on the glass pitcher. Blend the mixture for one minute.

    • 4). Remove the lid from the pitcher. Pour the honey into the pitcher. Place the lid back on the pitcher. Blend for one minute until the mixture becomes thick and creamy.

    • 5). Remove the lid from the pitcher. Place the funnel over the mouth of one of the glass bottles. Pour the lotion out of the pitcher into the funnel until the bottle is full. Pour the rest of the lotion into the other bottles using the same process. Cap the bottles.

    • 6). Keep the bottles in the refrigerator until you are ready to apply the lotion to your hands.


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