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How to Start a Type 2 Diabetes Diet Plan

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If you have the most common type of diabetes, then you are usually recommended to create a Type 2 diabetes diet plan in order to control your condition and not make things worse. This kind of diabetes is all about taking in those foods that are naturally rich in vitamins and nutrition while low in calories and fat. Taking in too much calories and fat makes your body create too much glucose, which leads to high blood glucose level and other chronic complications in the kidney and heart.

In a type 2 diabetes diet plan, what matters is really healthier alternatives and managing food intake. Here are some of the recommended foods for you to make sure your plan gets positive results.

Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are the healthiest carbohydrates that can be found in food because they are slowly digested, which gives a more stable production of insulin. What are some examples of food that contain complex carbohydrates? Fruits, vetables, legumes, and whole grains such as wheat bread.

Fiber Foods

Fiber helps a lot in digestion and it has been associated to lower risks of heart diseases. It also helps control blood sugar levels. High fiber foods include wheat bran, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and legumes.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are different from saturated fats. These healthy fats can actually help lower your cholesterol, and you can find them in almonds, pecans, olive oils, walnuts, and avocados. However, do not take too much because these fats are still high in calories. Moderation is key!

Fish Over Fatty Meat

Choosing fish over pork and beef can already do so much, so eat fish at least twice a week, especially tuna and salmon. These have less total fat and salmon is even rich in omega 3 fatty acids that help lower blood fats. Do not choose king mackerel or swordfish or other fish that have high levels of mercury.

If you remember these four basic reminders on what you should take in your type 2 diabetes diet plan, you will surely reap positive results that will truly help you in the long run.

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