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Chalk out Fitness with a Fitness Chart

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With the intention of jump starting my resolution of getting fitter and slimmer this New Year, I set foot into this swanky new gymnasium that my apartment complex boasts of. First look at all those equipments was overwhelming. I didn't know where to start and how to start. I didn't even know what to do and more importantly what not to do. I realized I needed to chalk out a fitness program for myself. I also needed to learn how to carry out each exercise. Exercise can cause more harm than good if you do it wrongly.

So, I sat with the physical trainer at the gym and got to know a few basics. Along with that, he told me about the Exercise charts. I lost no time in procuring them and now I have already got a handful for myself. Some of them are so colorful and dynamic that you can just go on looking at them.

So, what are these exercise charts?

I am sure, some of you out there, like me, must have never heard of them.

These are colorful and descriptive pictorial charts that help you reach your fitness goal in a much simplified manner. They illustrate various exercises, showing you the correct way of doing them. These charts also demonstrate the effect a particular exercise will have on a particular muscle group. Now all this, makes a lot of sense to me.

These exercise charts are available in the market or you can even order them online. They enable you to understand and chalk out your exercise regime according to your specific need.

You can put these posters on the walls of your work out room at home, health club, school, gym, or hotel fitness centre. Not only are they instructional and educative but they are motivational as well. So, whether it is for working out the shoulders, arms, rotator cuff, biceps or triceps, I just can't tell you how much I have come to rely on these 23" by 35" laminated posters!

Who all get to benefit from these posters?

Anyone and everyone interested in fitness can be benefited by these charts.

They explain the exercises step by step with descriptive photos and clear instructions. These charts are so easy to understand that anybody can use them whether it's a fitness instructor or a personal trainer, a layman or a health professional. They are perfect for rehabilitation centers or for chiropractors' offices as they show the main areas of anatomy and educate patients about how exercise and therapy can strengthen and heal that part.

These charts help you to make smart and healthier choices in order to benefit maximum from exercise. After all, what matters most is not how much time you spend in the gym but the choices you make as far as the exercises are concerned. They are excellent tools for teaching basic concepts of physical activity and fitness. From up there, placed on the walls, exercise charts are constant reminders of a healthy and fit lifestyle.


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