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Best Way to Lose Abdominal Weight

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If you are wondering what the best way to lose abdominal weight is, then look no further.
Losing weight in the stomach region of your body can literally save your life.
Why Belly Fat Can Make You Unhealthy There are two types of fat: subcutaneous and visceral, and both are not equal when it comes to your health.
Subcutaneous fat is the fat that lives just under the surface of your skin.
Visceral fat is the fat that surrounds your vital organs.
If you have too much visceral fat, you may be at risk for hypertension, stroke, diabetes and heart disease.
In addition to being bad for you, visceral fat is generally harder to lose than subcutaneous fat simply because it lies deeper in the body.
Why Do Some People Have Too Much Abdominal Fat? There are several factors that can influence the amount of abdominal fat that your body stores.
Some of the most obvious culprits include smoking, drinking, sedentary lifestyle and stress.
One thing to be aware of is that even if you are at your ideal weight you can have too much belly fat, putting you in danger of serious health effects.
How Can I Tell If I Have Too Much Abdominal Fat? To find out if you are carrying too much weight around your mid-section, measure your waist.
An ideal waist size is one-half your height.
For example, if you are 5'10", that equals 70 inches.
A good waist size then, would be less than 35 inches (half of seventy inches).
What Can I Do To Lose Belly Fat? In addition to eating well-balanced meals and exercising regularly, there are 3 additional tips to help you lose your extra mid-section weight.
1) Manage your stress.
If you are stressed out, your body interprets it the same as if you were in a famine situation.
The body increases fat storage, just as if you were experiencing a shortage of food.
Meditation and exercise are two excellent way to combat stress.
2) Sleep more.
If you are getting less than 4 hours of sleep per night, you are 70 percent more likely to be obese! An important protein called leptin is lowered when your body is deprived of sleep and leptin has the important job of suppressing the appetite and telling the brain when the stomach is full.
To get more sleep, go to bed earlier, turn the TV off an hour before bedtime and limit exercise just before you turn in.
3) Decrease your intake of trans fats and increase Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs).
Some foods that should be avoided because they include trans fats are crackers, cookies and margarines.
On the other hand, examples of MUFAs which should be included in your diet (in limited quantities) are nuts and seeds, avocado, grape seed oil, soybean oil and dark chocolate.
Choosing The Best Diet If you have extra pounds you need to shed (or even a lot!), choosing the right diet program is vital.
It's important to choose one that fits in with your lifestyle and schedule.
This will increase your chances of success.
The best way to lose abdominal weight is to choose a diet that works best for you.
Follow a healthy diet regimen and an exercise program that you can live with and still see results.

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