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Make Your Hockey Helmet A Part Of You

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The hockey helmet is certainly an iconic piece of gear, whether on the roller rink or ice rink. It offers great protection to your head by gripping your head, specifically the occipital protuberance. The right sizing is therefore very important so that your head will be effectively protected from injuries.

The majority of hockey players will tell you that protection isn't its only use. Wondering what is the other use of a helmet? Just as helmets protect your head, they also serve as your canvas where you can show your artistic abilities and make your helmet uniquely a part of yourself. Hockey is not just a type of contact sport. Art can certainly be used to show others what is your personality on the rink.

Most hockey helmets come in standard designs and colors. Buying one from your Sports Shop gives you a generic-looking helmet which looks kind of boring. You can add a touch of you to your helmet by repainting it! You can choose your own design and colors in any way you want to. Choose bright colors to instantly get attraction. Use warm colors to portray aggression and strength. Use famous logos of champion teams to give you that winner feel. The possibilities are endless; you just need to create your own.

A can of spray paint, masking tape, cardboard and scissors, sandpaper with fine grit, adhesive with industrial strength, screwdriver, and the hockey helmet design you have chosen to create will be the objects you need to start the painting project.

1. Remove the chin strap and the cage or visor of your helmet by using a screwdriver. Interior pads are also removed. Check if there is any unevenness on the surface of your helmet and, using sandpaper, even it out. The clear coat is sprayed on the helmet and dried afterwards. This primes your helmet prior to painting.

2. Using a pair of scissors, cut out the desired shapes included in your design. Secure the cardboards using a masking tape onto your hockey helmet so that the areas which will not be spray-painted by a particular color will be protected. Use a color one after the other. Let each color dry before using another color.

Lastly, spray a final clear coat on the entire helmet and let dry.


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