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Some Self Defense Tips For Women

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Though overall the world is safe for most people at most times, for many women simply walking alone on the street can be treacherous.
Though being constantly paranoid is not a good solution, it still pays to be careful when out alone, especially in the dark.
If you are accosted by a would-be attacker, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of escaping unharmed.
(Note: for the purposes of this article, assume the attacker is male.
) 1.
Stay calm.
If you panic and lose your wits, you will be playing right into your attackers hands.
Think clearly about your options - can you escape somehow? Fight back? Call for help? Weigh out all your potential courses of action and act decisively.
It may seem hard to imagine that you could stay calm in such a situation, but you'd be surprised about how focused you can become in these situations.
If your attacker grabs you from the front, an obvious strategy would be to attack his groin.
Many men are aware of this and may try to defend against it, however, so you can also go after other weak points.
Rake his eyes and face with your fingers and nails, or go after his through with a punch or chop.
If you are grabbed from behind, you may find it difficult to free your elbow to strike his face.
Instead, head butt him with the back of your head.
This should stun him enough to deliver another blow, or preferably to escape.
Once you do escape, don't stick around to see the fate of your attacker, or to make sure he's OK if you hurt him.
Get out of there! Absolutely don't fail to call the police.
Don't assume that "they won't catch him by now," even if it is hours later.
The police need to have any data they can get about crime in their jurisdiction.
You may be able to help the perpetrator get caught later, even if you think your information is weak.
Consider purchasing a self defense weapon.
There are a variety of pepper sprays, mace, and loud miniature air horns on the market that can help you in a bad situation.
It is inadvisable, however, to carry a knife or gun with you.
Though they may help you in certain situations, in others they may escalate the conflict even further, possibly leading to serious injury or death of you or your attacker.

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