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How to Lose Belly Fat For Women (With Tips That Are Good Also for Men)

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Excessive fat around the waistline can appear in women of all ages, but is most common around menopause.
In this age, the fat seems to shift from the arms, legs and bottom to the belly.
It is harder for women at this age to watch their weight, as the metabolism becomes slower, the muscle mass diminishes, and your life style may not leave you enough time for exercise.
The decreasing levels of estrogen make the distribution of fat around the body less even, making post-menopause women get fatter around the waistline.
The tendency to gain weight and the distribution of fat is also a matter of genetics: Some women are born luckier than others.
Besides being embarrassing (do people sometimes mistakenly think you may be pregnant?) and unflattering, belly fat also imposes some health risks.
The belly fat does not remain on the outer layers of the body, near the skin, where it is mainly a matter of cosmetics; the fat accumulates also in the inner layers of our body, as visceral fat, surrounding our internal organs.
This visceral fat interferes with the normal functioning of the body, and may cause elevated blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, breast cancer or colorectal cancer.
For these reasons, it is very important to take care of this excessive belly fat.
Tips on How to Lose Belly Fat - For Women If a women's waistline, when measured with a tape measure around the waist - just above the hipbone, is over 35 inch (89 cm), it's time to do something about it.
(For men, the waistline can be a bit thicker - about 40 inch).
Following are a few tips you should follow in order to lose belly fat:
  • Eat healthier.
    Improve your diet by eating less junk food, less red meat or high-fat dairy products.
    Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products.
    Reduce your consumption of sugars and carbohydrates.
  • Watch your calorie intake.
    East smaller portions of your meals.
    Don't take second portions when eating out.
  • Exercise.
    Try to walk more.
    Try to avoid elevators when possible: use the staircase.
    Depending on your life style and personality, you can go out for gym or aerobic classes, start walking or jogging every day or every other day, or buy some exercise as a treadmill for you house.
    Avoid being a potato coach.
    Some women prefer dancing classes; other will go for a workout.
    It doesn't matter what you choose as long as you keep exercising.
A Tip for Women Who Want to Get a Jumpstart on Losing Belly Fat
  • Use Diet Pills: Going on a diet or changing your life style to a more active one in order to lose belly fat is not easy.
    In order to keep motivated, sometimes you need an initial boost.
    Such a boost can be found by using diet pills.
    Diet pills alone will help you lose weight, but without a change in life style people will tend to gain back this weight quickly afterward.
    The best way to use diet pills is to use it to boost your other efforts: Diet pills will help you suppress your appetite, so you can reduce your calorie intake even if you luck the will power to do it yourself, and control your cravings so that you will be eating healthier.
    Fat binding diet pills will make a big percentage the fat you do eat indigestible, so that it will leave your body without affecting it.

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