Improve Fitness, Lose Weight, and Enjoy a Better Sex Life
There are many reasons why an individual's sexual ability and enjoyment may be at a low ebb.
This can be distressing, especially if you have led an active sexual life.
Pressure of work, financial worries or relationship issues, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, cardiovascular related disease, diabetes and obesity are just a few circumstances that can affect your performance.
Some are outside the scope of this article, but many can be avoided or addressed by changes to your lifestyle.
Looking after your physical and mental health through regular exercise, good diet and general lifestyle can eliminate many of the problems and knock on effects that cause diminished sexual performance.
There are some very simple things you can do to improve your sex life.
To start with if you are experiencing problems don't suffer in silence, I don't mean advertise it on your local radio station but talk to your partner, a close friend or your doctor, up to 50% of men between 40 and 70 experience erectile dysfunction also known as ED.
30 to 50% of women experience some form of sexual dysfunction during their lives so don't think you are alone.
The majority of us are aware that men experience erections, what maybe less understood is that women experience erections of the clitoris and of the tissue surrounding the vulva.
In both men and women adequate blood flow is essential for this function, so artery clogging foods such as saturated fats are detrimental to your sexual performance and pleasure.
Unsaturated fats on the other hand are required to produce hormones amongst them are the ones that give us sexual pleasure.
Obesity can lead to increased ED and other sexual dysfunction, losing weight helps to increase sexual performance.
Exercise combined with dietary control increases testosterone and endorphins the latter are the hormones that make you feel all is well.
As the quality of an erection is governed by good circulation the consumption of foods high in Omega3 such as oily fish, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables will help your nervous system's performance so aiding your circulation.
Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables helps to keep cholesterol low in turn aiding circulation, they are low in calories high in vitamins minerals and fibre relative to other foods they will prevent and reduce obesity which is known to affect testosterone levels.
As we all know smoking has a massive effect on an individual's health, but perhaps what you may not know is the effect it can have on your sex life.
Apart from bad breath, stained teeth and clothes that smell as though they have been used to smother a bonfire, smoking reduces oxygen levels in the blood and causes blocked arteries, nicotine also restricts blood flow and can damage arteries, as already mentioned good blood flow is essential for a healthy sex life.
Just two cigarettes a day can have an irreparable effect on arteries.
Carbon monoxide the same that is pumped out of car exhausts and present in cigarettes may have a detrimental effect on the level of testosterone the body produces.
Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, these are your bodies feel good hormones, other sex hormones especially testosterone and estrogens are released following a workout.
The type of exercise is entirely up to the individual, swimming, gym, yoga or pilates and a whole host of other exercise routines will produce the desired effect.
Additionally exercise helps to reduce stress, combats obesity and so reduces tiredness; it stimulates circulation and the immune system.
With regular exercise comes improved physique, self-confidence and esteem, your contentedness with your inner self will be apparent to others this in turn will make you more attractive, it is to do with mindset and attitude.
This is known as the law of attraction successful people and I don't mean just people that are financially successful, but people who live a "full" life, use this massively to their advantage, if you are a smiling happy person you will attract similar people, but be aware this also works in reverse.
Try to have a positive outlook this may not always seem possible, when a problem stands in your way rather than seeing an insurmountable hurdle work to turn the situation to your advantage.
Think positive do not mix with negative people, when you wake each morning think how you can make your day work for you, not how difficult your day is going to be.
This can be distressing, especially if you have led an active sexual life.
Pressure of work, financial worries or relationship issues, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, cardiovascular related disease, diabetes and obesity are just a few circumstances that can affect your performance.
Some are outside the scope of this article, but many can be avoided or addressed by changes to your lifestyle.
Looking after your physical and mental health through regular exercise, good diet and general lifestyle can eliminate many of the problems and knock on effects that cause diminished sexual performance.
There are some very simple things you can do to improve your sex life.
To start with if you are experiencing problems don't suffer in silence, I don't mean advertise it on your local radio station but talk to your partner, a close friend or your doctor, up to 50% of men between 40 and 70 experience erectile dysfunction also known as ED.
30 to 50% of women experience some form of sexual dysfunction during their lives so don't think you are alone.
The majority of us are aware that men experience erections, what maybe less understood is that women experience erections of the clitoris and of the tissue surrounding the vulva.
In both men and women adequate blood flow is essential for this function, so artery clogging foods such as saturated fats are detrimental to your sexual performance and pleasure.
Unsaturated fats on the other hand are required to produce hormones amongst them are the ones that give us sexual pleasure.
Obesity can lead to increased ED and other sexual dysfunction, losing weight helps to increase sexual performance.
Exercise combined with dietary control increases testosterone and endorphins the latter are the hormones that make you feel all is well.
As the quality of an erection is governed by good circulation the consumption of foods high in Omega3 such as oily fish, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables will help your nervous system's performance so aiding your circulation.
Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables helps to keep cholesterol low in turn aiding circulation, they are low in calories high in vitamins minerals and fibre relative to other foods they will prevent and reduce obesity which is known to affect testosterone levels.
As we all know smoking has a massive effect on an individual's health, but perhaps what you may not know is the effect it can have on your sex life.
Apart from bad breath, stained teeth and clothes that smell as though they have been used to smother a bonfire, smoking reduces oxygen levels in the blood and causes blocked arteries, nicotine also restricts blood flow and can damage arteries, as already mentioned good blood flow is essential for a healthy sex life.
Just two cigarettes a day can have an irreparable effect on arteries.
Carbon monoxide the same that is pumped out of car exhausts and present in cigarettes may have a detrimental effect on the level of testosterone the body produces.
Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, these are your bodies feel good hormones, other sex hormones especially testosterone and estrogens are released following a workout.
The type of exercise is entirely up to the individual, swimming, gym, yoga or pilates and a whole host of other exercise routines will produce the desired effect.
Additionally exercise helps to reduce stress, combats obesity and so reduces tiredness; it stimulates circulation and the immune system.
With regular exercise comes improved physique, self-confidence and esteem, your contentedness with your inner self will be apparent to others this in turn will make you more attractive, it is to do with mindset and attitude.
This is known as the law of attraction successful people and I don't mean just people that are financially successful, but people who live a "full" life, use this massively to their advantage, if you are a smiling happy person you will attract similar people, but be aware this also works in reverse.
Try to have a positive outlook this may not always seem possible, when a problem stands in your way rather than seeing an insurmountable hurdle work to turn the situation to your advantage.
Think positive do not mix with negative people, when you wake each morning think how you can make your day work for you, not how difficult your day is going to be.