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Inverse psoriasis: An insight

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Inverse psoriasis is a form of psoriasis that mainly affects the body's sensitive parts. It is the most irritating and uncomfortable types of skin conditions. The rash associated with this condition is generally dark red and doesn't show any scaly appearance like in plaque psoriasis. However it is a rare and most uncommon type of psoriasis that can occur along with other type of psoriasis outbreaks.

Where does it appear?

Also referred as flexural psoriasis, this rash mainly has an effect on the parts where skin comes in contact with skin. Inverse psoriasis are mainly formed on genitals, armpits, groin area, under the breasts as well as skin folds in the belly region. Since these kind of rashes is commonly seen in body parts with skin folds, obese and overweight people are at a high risk of getting this form of psoriasis.

Symptoms of Inverse psoriasis:

Flexural psoriasis appear in the form of vivid red lesions that have a smooth and shiny appearance. Besides rash, symptoms of inverse psoriasis include itching, irritation, as well as increased sensitivity in the affected parts. Unlike rashes formed due to outbreak of plaque psoriasis, these rashes are not dry and scaly. Flexural psoriasis look very much similar to fungal infections and has similar symptoms as well.

Causes of Inverse psoriasis:

The exact cause of this psoriasis form is unknown but there are some factors that contribute to it. Genetic factors play an important role in psoriasis development, and obesity increases its occurrence. Excess of sweating further irritates skin folds leading to flare up of rashes. Stress also triggers some types of psoriasis, including inverse psoriasis.

Treatments forInverse psoriasis:

Two common treatments for this kind of psoriasis include light therapy and topical creams. OTC treatments offer sufficient relief from the symptoms and with passing time the problem normally drives away. Light therapy is the most preferred form of treatment for rashes on the genitals and area surrounding it, as the skin in this part is generally tender and can be sensitive to any cream. The effectiveness and speed of the treatment varies for every individual depending on the severity of the condition.

Other forms of psoriasis are treated with steroid products, which is not preferred for inverse psoriasis as they can further damage the skin in the affected areas. The extreme cases of Flexural psoriasis can be very painful and devastating. Such cases are treated by oral medication or injection, wherein drugs are delivered directly to the body for faster healing and relief.

Homeopathic treatment also helps to treat inverse psoriasis to greater extent. Although, this medicine offers slow results, it has no side effects on your body. 

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