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How to Stop Breastfeeding Pain

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Breast feeding has been around since the beginning of time.
It is a natural process but often times mothers can face problems.
One of the most common questions that mothers have is "How to stop breastfeeding pain.
" A common problem that causes pain is Mastitis (blocked ducts).
Mastitis can cause the breast to become sore,red and inflamed.
This problem is commonly caused by not pumping properly or wearing a poor fitted bra.
If your baby is not nursing properly it can cause blocked ducts.
Make sure that your baby is latching on properly.
Another solution is to invest in a breast pump.
Sore nipples is another pain associated with breastfeeding.
This pain can also be attributed to poor fitted bras.
You also want to be conscious of creams, soaps and perfumes that you wear.
A lot of these products can cause your skin to dry out thus making the nipples irritated.
Breast refusal.
When a baby is refusing to breastfeed there could be numerous reasons for this.
Make sure that your baby is latching on properly.
Failure to latch properly can appear as breast refusal.
Another reason of breast refusal may be because the baby has started teething and could be experiencing mouth pain.
Maybe the baby has other things going on like ear infections, sore throats and fever.
Think about it.
When you are sick, do you feel like eating? Regardless of the situation you still continue to produce milk.
A build up of milk can cause breast pain.
This is where pumping comes in handy.

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