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Butt Workouts for Women

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    Leg Press

    • Leg Press

      Assume the starting position, as shown in the photo, right foot on the Leg Press weight platform, left leg bent. Lift the weight, pushing with your heel, not your toe. Stay in control, move slowly and don't pump the weight. "Try for a tempo of four," Anna suggests. "Four beats out, four beats in." Don't lock your knee in the extended position or allow your knee to collapse against your chest in the bent position. Exhale with each exertion and breathe in as you return to the start position. Perform two sets of 20 repetitions with each leg. Increase the weight as you grow stronger.

    One-Legged Squat

    • One-Legged Squat

      One-Legged Squats can be performed in a gym or at home. Stand with your back straight, core engaged, knees slightly bent and one hand resting lightly on a wall (or piece of sturdy gym equipment) for balance. Bend your left leg as in the photo. With your full body weight on the right leg, bend your right knee and slowly sink as low as you can go while maintaining proper body position and without allowing your left foot to touch the floor. Keep your back straight. Be sure to use the wall for balance, not support, so your butt and thigh muscles do the work. Return to the starting position. Do 20 repetitions. Switch legs and perform 20 repetitions on the other side. Rest for 60 seconds and go for a second set.

    Glute Kick

    • Glute Kick--Start Position

      For a kick-butt challenge, try "donkey kicks" on the Glute Kick machine. Assume the start position on the machine as shown in the photo. Smoothly extend your leg, keeping in mind the "tempo of four" to get the most from the move. Don't lock your knee on the extension. Hold for a beat and return to the starting form. "Be sure to breathe throughout the exercise," warns Anna. "People are more likely to become dizzy in a face-down position." For maximum sculpting, perform this move until the muscles are fatigued and trembling. Then repeat with the other leg. Rest for one minute and do a second set.

    Gluteal Stretch

    • Finish with a stretch that feels wonderful, increases flexibility and reduces the chance of muscle soreness. Stand at arm's length from a stable piece of gym equipment or a kitchen counter. Grasp it at hip level and hold firmly with both hands. Place your right ankle on your left knee and sink down, butt stretching outward. Keep your chin up and back straight. You should feel a lovely stretch through your left bun. Breathe naturally and hold for 30 full seconds. Straighten and repeat on the other side.


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