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Pregnancy's Pains and Discomforts

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Pregnant women may experience pains in various parts of the body throughout their pregnancies. It may be normal, harmless or it may suggest a more serious health conditions. Whatever it may be, a pregnant woman should see a doctor or a midwife whenever it occurs especially if accompanied by signs and symptoms that may be detrimental to the health and well-being of the mother and the baby. Even the best of pregnancies may have some discomforts, an achy back, and tenderness of the breasts.

Being pregnant can be mentally and physically tough. A woman can undergo tremendous body changes in so many different ways and every little movement can be worrisome. It is very important to note that expecting mothers should know signs and symptoms that are most common and uncommon during pregnancies.

The most common pain during pregnancy is pelvic and abdominal pain. Some pain in this nature may need immediate medical care, but often it may be just a normal and fairly occurrences of pain that manifested during pregnancies. Usually abdominal pain and discomforts may be experience about the same time of your missed monthly cycles or menstrual periods. Women may feel pain in the lower abdomen that resembles a menstrual dull pain. The discomfort is a manifestation of the embryo implanting itself in the lining of the uterus.

In the middle part of the woman's pregnancy, at 12-16 weeks, women may experience frequent sharp pain in the groin. It might come at an unexpected interval, will worsen upon getting up, move or stretch and might reappear and disappear in a few weeks.  It is very bothersome that you get this pregnancy pain and discomforts abruptly, but it is not a cause to be worried about because it may be the usual thickening of the muscles around the uterus of the pelvis stretch to support the growing baby.

Bloating and constipation may also contribute to pains, aches and abdominal discomforts. Primarily, constipation is usually the results of the pressure of the growing bump on the rectum, as well as due to the slowing down of the movement of the food through the digestive system. This is also the cause of the growing uterus pressing against the intestine.

There are also contractions that may cause some pain that occurs in the early part of the pregnancy such as irregular tightening of the uterus, but most women do not notice it until the better half of the pregnancy. It's odd but a normal part of the pregnancy, but if you're worried of the abdominal pain due to contractions an immediate call to a doctor or a midwife is highly recommended.

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