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Quantum Physics And Disease

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Disease Disease is not one of the Divine Blueprints of the Mind of God.
Disease is caused by the experiences, thoughts and feelings of man down through the ages.
Man has built a non-divine set of blueprints within the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.
Because we have free will and thoughts are things, we create disease with our thoughts.
This is what the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us.
If wrong thinking, emoting, going to excesses creates the disease (attracted from the Quantum Ocean) then we can learn from the suffering they cause..
We can learn to watch what we think.
Disease brings suffering and pain which can soften our hearts and broaden our minds.
They give us an opportunity to exercise our free wills and choose a better path.
They also instill compassion for others who may be in the in the same boat.
Each of us is responsible for our diseases and misfortunes.
We are their parents.
We are the reapingwhat we have sown.
The ancients called it the "Law of Karma.
" All rules for Karma are also contained within the Laws of Quantum Physics.
Generally we call things 'Good' when they please us and 'Bad' when we do not like them.
This shows us that everything is relative.
Sometimes the so called 'Bad' things in our life turn out to be 'Good.
' They could bring strength to our character, insight, and ability to think better.
They make us a better man/woman.
Nothing happens to us that we did not start.
We sowed the seeds.
But if we face it properly and react properly we get stronger and wiser.
The first step in proper reaction is to ask ourselves, "What have I done to bring this upon me?" The answers will arise from within.
If we remain obstinate and say "Why is God beating me with a bigger stick than any one else?" we go into denial and increase and lengthen the suffering.
And we get no answers.
When misfortune comes upon us, when sorrow fills our heart and when it seems that the whole world has turned against us, it is time to be a man/woman and face it, learn form it and be done with it.
Pain and sorrow are 'Awakener's!' Pleasures and so-called joys tend to lull us to sleep.
Sorrow, grief, and pain can change our life for the better.
Remember it is only our finite physical body which suffers, not our soul.
Everything that happens to us is an opportunity to learn, to grow.
There is nothing that helps us learn more quickly than pain and suffering.
They are better teachers than smug contentment, which may lead to spiritual suicide! We must not be afraid of our Karma.
We must face it squarely.
Even though we have caused our own problems we must learn not to talk about them.
Since thoughts are things, and words are verbal thoughts we attract out of the quantum ocean what we talk about.
That is why silence is golden.

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