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Advancing Nfl Foot Ball Learning

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Powerful Blocking Strategy: Double Teaming

Football is all about strategy and fining, or making weak spots in your opponent. One such strategy or technique is the use of double teaming on the line of scrimmage. It is basically putting two linemen on one. If you ever need to get a running back through or perform a great blitz, remember this technique. The basics are simple for this technique: First, both players will need to step together, and put their hips together. They form a wall that the opponent cannot break. The double team should focus on the shoulders, and arm pits of the opponent to control dominance. To be effective the double team has to work in a fast blitz like maneuver.

Conditioning: The five dot drill

Strength and reaction time is what makes a great football athlete. For this reason, coaches like this drill for its focus on speed and accuracy. Setting up this drill is very simple, you will need five markers placed about a foot apart in an x formation with one of the dots being in the center surrounded by four other dots in a square formation.

The player will start by placing a foot on the back two dots and then jumps together to the middle dot and then out separating his legs to the outer dots, much like you would see in hop scotch. Next the player will jump touching each dot with on leg only, and then switch using the other leg. Then continue around the dots with both legs together. The last phase is really returning to the original starting phase of jumping together and apart, however this time the athlete will change directions after they have jumped to the outer dots. Because this drill is intended for accuracy and speed, it is recommended that players start out slow and deliberate and then speed up to their maximum time.

Around the world: Improved Ball Handling

Without a solid foundation of ball handling players will be easy prey to a solid defensive team. This drill is meant to help players control and develop their ball handling skills. In this drill players will be constantly moving or passing the ball from one hand to the other. The drill is simple and starts by having the player pass the ball around their head, torso, arms, knees, and even between their feet from one hand to another in constant motion.

In this drill the coaches responsibility is to observe the smoothness of the drill, and to also shout commands of body positions to move the ball around, and also to reverse the direction of the football. Changing the direction of the football ensures that they dont form a habit, and that they remained focused on the ball and controlling the movement.

When the coach calls and end to the drill the players will drop the ball several times (at least 7). The player will drop the ball and quickly pick it up again. They also should rotate which hand they are using to pick it up so that you can increase ball handling with both.

Practice can help turnovers

In order to win football games you need to have possession of the football. The fastest way to gain possession of the ball is to force an offensive player to fumble the football. Practice dislodging the football on the field in pairs of players. As the offender runs ahead of the defender, have the defender bring his clenched hands up quickly, and forcefully, as he aims his hand at offenders football. This drill is most effective if you start it slow focusing on the motions needed to be effective, and then speed up over time.

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