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Managing Menopause

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Eat your way through menopause and on to optimum health You can literally eat your way through menopause and on to optimum health.
Menopause is not experienced in the same way by all women.
The Japanese do not have a word for 'hot flashes,' indicating they do not experience them (nor night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings/poor mental health, lack of energy and libido, joint pains, weight gain, aging skin and lackluster hair) as Western women do.
Japanese women also have one sixth the rate of breast cancer as Western women.
What most differentiates Japanese women from women in the Western world is their diet, and studies have shown that when Japanese women move to the West and adopt a Western diet, they develop a breast cancer rate similar to Westerners.
A whole foods plant-based diet prevents menopausal symptoms Women want another way of dealing with menopausal symptoms than hormone replacement therapy, with its associated weight gain and breast cancer risk.
The right diet can prevent these symptoms while also preventing osteoporosis, and protecting against heart disease and cancer.
Thousands of studies have shown the benefit of plant hormones, or phytoestrogens, that have a balancing effect on hormones.
Being only 1/1,000th to 1/100,000th as strong as animal hormones in meat and dairy products, phytoestrogens still occupy the estrogen receptor sites in the breast to prevent hormone overload, blocking entry to the more carcinogenic estrogens.
Whole grains (and whole grain breads and pastas), vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts and seeds all contain phytoestrogens, making a whole foods plant-based diet the best choice for a manageable menopause.
Source: Natural Alternatives to HRT Cookbook, Understanding estrogen and foods than benefit your health by Marilyn Glenville, PhD, 2000

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