Why You"re Not Losing Any More Weight and How to Fix it TODAY
I'm going to get straight to the point.
One of the worst feelings in the world is putting all your effort into a diet and either not losing any weight at all, or losing a bunch of weight and then seeing your progress stop.
You had more will-power than most by going on the diet in the first place, and you took the time to research it ...
but now you're so frustrated you're ready to throw in the towel.
As you can tell, I've been there.
But I've also figured out how to get out of it, and I no longer have to ask the question, "Why am I not losing weight?" I was always the chubby kid in a family of skinny people.
I would get mad at my mom for giving me the "fat genes.
" As I grew older, I also grew fatter, even though I thought I was eating "healthy".
By the time I hit my 20s, I knew I didn't have to live with my fat stomach any more, so I hit the books to figure out how to lose the pudge.
First I found out about the healthiest foods in the world -- almost none of which I was eating, although I thought I was being "healthy" with my diet.
After finding out about these foods, I followed a popular diet and started finally losing weight -- a lot of it! And then, out of nowhere, my weight loss progress stopped.
Just stopped dead in its tracks.
In fact, I started gaining back a little bit of weight even though I was still following the exact same diet.
What I found out was that the human body is designed to adapt to any eating style you throw at it, and adapt very fast.
The solution to my body was to cycle different diets every four to eight weeks.
Since I was surprising my body, it would respond by continuing the weight loss like I had just started dieting.
I followed this process -- with a few other little tricks -- to continuously lose the weight I needed to lose in just a few short months.
Of course, my choice of diets made a huge difference, and knowing what foods were actual health foods (and not just foods my fat friends called "healthy") was the biggest game-changer.
But when my weight loss progress stalled, surprising my body and strategically cycling through popular diets ended up being the way to rev my fat-burning engines back up.
One of the worst feelings in the world is putting all your effort into a diet and either not losing any weight at all, or losing a bunch of weight and then seeing your progress stop.
You had more will-power than most by going on the diet in the first place, and you took the time to research it ...
but now you're so frustrated you're ready to throw in the towel.
As you can tell, I've been there.
But I've also figured out how to get out of it, and I no longer have to ask the question, "Why am I not losing weight?" I was always the chubby kid in a family of skinny people.
I would get mad at my mom for giving me the "fat genes.
" As I grew older, I also grew fatter, even though I thought I was eating "healthy".
By the time I hit my 20s, I knew I didn't have to live with my fat stomach any more, so I hit the books to figure out how to lose the pudge.
First I found out about the healthiest foods in the world -- almost none of which I was eating, although I thought I was being "healthy" with my diet.
After finding out about these foods, I followed a popular diet and started finally losing weight -- a lot of it! And then, out of nowhere, my weight loss progress stopped.
Just stopped dead in its tracks.
In fact, I started gaining back a little bit of weight even though I was still following the exact same diet.
What I found out was that the human body is designed to adapt to any eating style you throw at it, and adapt very fast.
The solution to my body was to cycle different diets every four to eight weeks.
Since I was surprising my body, it would respond by continuing the weight loss like I had just started dieting.
I followed this process -- with a few other little tricks -- to continuously lose the weight I needed to lose in just a few short months.
Of course, my choice of diets made a huge difference, and knowing what foods were actual health foods (and not just foods my fat friends called "healthy") was the biggest game-changer.
But when my weight loss progress stalled, surprising my body and strategically cycling through popular diets ended up being the way to rev my fat-burning engines back up.