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5 Tips For A Good Acid Stomach Diet

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You're maybe one of those looking for heartburn treatment. Having to go through the symptoms of acid stomach heartburn like the burning discomfort in your chest is really painful! If you won't take the symptoms seriously and just rely on all antacids, it can definitely get worse! I was a heartburn sufferer myself and believe me, I went through all of that. The most common cause of heartburn is food though there are still lots of factors. You may think twice of curing your heartburn thinking that you may give up your favorite foods. Well, there is good news for you! Heartburn treatment is not that complicated. All you need to do is have a good stomach acid diet! In this article I will give the list of the major foods that triggers acid stomach and some useful tips. Heartburn is the burning pain you feel near your chest. The stomach is the one the produces this acids necessary for digestion. But if you eat foods that have a high acid content, it makes the stomach produce above normal acids since it was induced. This excess acid tends to move up to the esophagus thus causing you a burning feeling. Excess acids in the stomach will likely turn your heartburn to worse and its hard to deal with it when you just take antacids for medications since they all have side effects.
Here are the foods that you should not include in your acid stomach diet:
1. Coffee and other coffee based beverages,
2. Colas and sodas
3. Onions meals that consist of spices or with hot sauces
4. Fatty foods
5. Pizza
6. Citrus fruits
7. Pineapple and their juices
8. Grains and other legumes and mashed potatoes
If you're hesitating of totally cutting off these foods, here are my tips that will surely benefit you:
1. You can include the meals above in your food plan however it should be on a lesser amount per day
2. You also need to include neutralizers like milk in your diet plan. Milk can lessen the effect of acidic foods.
3. Instead of eating 3 large meals every day, break it down to 5-6 smaller ones.
Take time to chew and gnaw your foods.
Walk around and move a bit after every meal and do not lie down immediately or sit.
Following these easy tips will surely help your stomach in digesting food. The lesser food stays in the stomach the lesser stomach produces acid.

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