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Top 4 Natural Cures For Hemorroids

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Hi everyone. Welcome to this article! For this article, I am going to talk about something that I unfortunately have a lot of experience with. This is something that a lot of women (but many men as well!) also deal with. I am going to be discussing hemorrhoids and specifically, my top 4 natural cures for hemorrhoids. Over the years, I have learned a lot about hemorrhoids but I have also learned some very useful information with dealing with them. So with that, here's my list of my top 4 natural cures for hemorrhoids.

1. Go To The Bathroom!

First off.. whenever you feel you have to go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom! If you don't go to the bathroom, over time you may feel the urge to go to the bathroom decrease. This means you will start going to the bathroom and having to strain. If you start having to strain, this is going to lead to hemorrhoids. So make sure you go to the bathroom when needed, even while you have hemorrhoids. That way, you don't make things worse.

2. Ice Packs

If you are dealing with hemorrhoids and you are looking for a natural cure, why not try ice packs? Apply ice packs to the hemorrhoids several times a day, each time for around 15 minutes. Applying ice can reduce the swelling and also reduce the pain.

3. Ointments and Creams

If you are dealing with hemorrhoids, why not consider using some ointments or creams? Petroleum jelly is especially recommended for hemorrhoids. This is another great natural cure for hemorrhoids. At the very least, it should reduce the pain and swelling!

4. A Better Diet

Finally, why don't you try changing your diet? If you deal with constipation, this can often cause hemorrhoids. The best solution to this then is of course to reduce constipation. How do you do this? By changing your diet! Try eating foods that have more fiber, as fiber will help you in going to the bathroom. Some foods that have a lot of fiber include fruits, veggies, and cereal.

I hope this list has helped you and given you some ideas on how to get rid of your hemorrhoids through natural solutions. Good luck!

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