Fat Burning Furnace - How Do You Ignite Your Fat Burning Furnace Today?
If you are somebody who struggles with losing weight and fat loss of any kind you know how hard and difficult it can be to lose weight successfully.
You try fad diets, and quit your long-boring cardio workouts because they are just that, boring! You seem to be a person of action, you are trying the diets, and the workout programs, and the infomercial pills.
Stop right now! Everything you have been trying is likely to be junk and there is a better way.
The latest secret among some of the fittest people and bodybuilding superstars is what is called "HIT".
It stands for High Intense Training, usually referred to as HIIT for High Intense Interval Training or HIRT for High Intense Resistance Training.
Many new and great fat burning programs are focusing a lot of attention on this way of exercise to maximize muscle growth and fat loss through an increase in metabolism.
The idea behind HIT is to perform short sets of intense repetitions.
The workouts are usually very short and well spaced apart.
A common way to schedule the workouts is to perform a set once every 3 days for 15-20 minutes each time, putting the workout at a total of 45-60 minutes per week.
This is a great discovery since so many people are not able to go to the gym because of time restraints, so having a short impactful workout that only lasts 15 minutes is very good for many people.
The way it helps you burn fat fast and truly "ignite your fat burning furnace" is by turning on your muscle growth and increasing your metabolism.
Your body will burn more fat when it has bigger and stronger muscles, period.
This means that the more lean muscle you have the more fat you'll burn at rest 24/7 and doing HIT will help you stimulate the muscles to the point where they are growing at a constant speed, almost all the time.
Many use it to lose serious amounts of weight, other use it to build a lot of muscle, either way, it's a very good and effective method of exercise that will literally ignite your fat burning furnace like nothing you've ever seen.
Here's an example of how to perform this workout: 1 set of 7 exercises, that each are performed for a maximum of 8-12 repetitions until failure.
That means you cannot lift that weight anymore, no matter how hard you try without losing form of the exercise.
Some people prefer to perform this kind of workout on machines because of the simplicity of using for example a "rowing machine" to easily increase the weights as well as keep form easily.
You try fad diets, and quit your long-boring cardio workouts because they are just that, boring! You seem to be a person of action, you are trying the diets, and the workout programs, and the infomercial pills.
Stop right now! Everything you have been trying is likely to be junk and there is a better way.
The latest secret among some of the fittest people and bodybuilding superstars is what is called "HIT".
It stands for High Intense Training, usually referred to as HIIT for High Intense Interval Training or HIRT for High Intense Resistance Training.
Many new and great fat burning programs are focusing a lot of attention on this way of exercise to maximize muscle growth and fat loss through an increase in metabolism.
The idea behind HIT is to perform short sets of intense repetitions.
The workouts are usually very short and well spaced apart.
A common way to schedule the workouts is to perform a set once every 3 days for 15-20 minutes each time, putting the workout at a total of 45-60 minutes per week.
This is a great discovery since so many people are not able to go to the gym because of time restraints, so having a short impactful workout that only lasts 15 minutes is very good for many people.
The way it helps you burn fat fast and truly "ignite your fat burning furnace" is by turning on your muscle growth and increasing your metabolism.
Your body will burn more fat when it has bigger and stronger muscles, period.
This means that the more lean muscle you have the more fat you'll burn at rest 24/7 and doing HIT will help you stimulate the muscles to the point where they are growing at a constant speed, almost all the time.
Many use it to lose serious amounts of weight, other use it to build a lot of muscle, either way, it's a very good and effective method of exercise that will literally ignite your fat burning furnace like nothing you've ever seen.
Here's an example of how to perform this workout: 1 set of 7 exercises, that each are performed for a maximum of 8-12 repetitions until failure.
That means you cannot lift that weight anymore, no matter how hard you try without losing form of the exercise.
Some people prefer to perform this kind of workout on machines because of the simplicity of using for example a "rowing machine" to easily increase the weights as well as keep form easily.