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Best Workout to Gain Muscle Mass - The 5 Pilars of the Perfect Weight Training Workout

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There are a lot of workouts and exercises that you can do to gain muscle mass.
However most people spend to much time on deciding which workouts they need to do.
It is far more important to perform a right workout.
That is one of the key element why some people can spend three hours in the gym and see amazing results and why other are going to the gym six or even seven days a week and barely see any results at all.
Obviously those who spend only three hours a week in the gym do have an excellent nutrition programme as well.
1) Muscle treshold Muscle treshold is simply the amount of work your body achieves in a specific amount of time.
Your muscles can only grow when you do give them a reason to grow.
To become more muscular you must increase your muscle treshold each and every workout.
2) Activate as many muscle fibers as possible The next tip to gain muscle mass is to ensure that you have utilized every single muscle fiber within that particular area of the trained muscle.
No single muscle fiber can be left untrained or unworked.
To make it clear do not train a few pounds to light.
3) Train with heavy weight for high reps The workload placed on the muscle is directly proportional with the ability of growing and strengthen your muscles.
So perform more work in the same or less time than before.
4) Train to failure Another important thing to take your muscle gaining workout to the next level is train to the point that you have reached the limit of the muscle.
Do not stop your muscle training workout unless you really cannot move the weight anymore.
Taking a set to complete failure is important because it ensures that you have exhausted as many muscle fiber as possible.
This is certainly one of the point that the three hours per week guys do and the others not.
The guys who are spending (wasting!) to much time in the gym are leaving a lot of precocious muscle fiber untapped and unworked.
5) Measure your intensity Believe me put these tips into action and you will be amazed about your results.
However it is important that your hard workout results in a anabolic environment.
Keep track of your process in a training log.
If you are serious about your muscle training workouts and fitness in general then it is recommended to carry a diary.
It is important that you have goals for each workout.
And the more you have trained the more critical this will be.

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