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DIY Composite Mast Construction

104 23
    • 1). Measure and use a reciprocating saw to cut three pieces of 5-inch x 10-foot PVC pipe to use as pipe compressors. Clamp them down individually on the work surface or vise. Use a reciprocating saw to rip open a 2-inch-wide gap lengthwise in all three pieces. Turn the pipes over and cut a heavy line down the backside length of each pipe with a utility knife. This will allow them to be clamped onto wet carbon fabric-wrapped 4-inch PVC pipe.

    • 2). Cut two more pieces of 5-inch PVC pipe 2 feet in length, to wrap the seams of the three primary compressors. Perform the same rip-and-slit procedure, but make the rip width 3 inches on these shorter pieces. Use a rag-wrapped broom handle to generously wet the inside of all five pipes with epoxy resin release agent.

    • 3). Use heavy scissors to cut three sheets of 2 x 2 carbon fiber fabric 12 1/2 inches x 31 feet. Mix the CF 862 epoxy resin and curing agent in a 3:1 ratio in a plastic bucket. Measure these critical ratios with an electrical scale, and stir the mixture for two minutes with a paint stirrer. Fill the paint sprayer tank. Spray or brush a light coat of epoxy release agent on the 30-foot work surface. Place a 30-foot length of 4-inch PVC pipe on the work surface and clean the pipe with acetone and cheesecloth.

    • 4). Lay out a sheet of carbon fiber fabric on the work surface next to the PVC pipe and spray it generously with the epoxy resin mixture. Repeat this operation two more times for a three-layer stack of wetted fabric. The top layer of fabric must also be sprayed with the epoxy resin mixture.

    • 5). Place the 4-inch PVC pipe in the center of the length of stacked wet fabric, and wrap the fabric sandwich around the pipe. Lift one end of the pipe, and squeeze the edges of the material together repeatedly with gloved hands. Hold the pipe up from the work surface and work down the entire length of it, squeezing the length of the pipe-wrapped surface forming as complete and cylindrical a structure as possible.

    • 6). Place the 3 pieces of compressor pipe (the cut and slit 5-inch PVC pipes) around the wrapped 4-inch PVC pipe. Place the two shorter pieces of compressor pipe around the seams between the three longer pipes. Place band clamps around all the pipes. There should be 4 clamps on each of the longer pipes and 3 clamps on the shorter ones. Use a 12-volt power screwdriver to tighten all the band clamps. Begin with the long compressors and tighten them to a 1-inch gap in the pipe. Tighten the overlapping seam compressors about half way and finish compression on the longer pipes to maximum. Finish the compression by driving the maximum obtainable compression on the seam compressors.

    • 7). Allow the mast lay-up to cure for 24 hours or until all surfaces are cool to the touch. Remove the clamps and compression pipes. Trim the top and bottom of any excess fabric ends. Clean the surface of the mast with liquid hand soap.


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