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Does asthma cough produce phlegm?

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Does anyone own opinion for asthma?
Does anyone have any recommendations for minor to moderate asthma attacks? I caught a cold and have a runny nose and cough dont bother me as much as having trouble breathing. I am not going to buy an inhaler so dont recommend that. I entail some home remedies. Thanks to those who answer!...

Does anyone suffer from asthma near eye stomach-ache?
My hubby has been to the eye doctor and get tempory relief but nothing long stable. He gets this matter contained by one of his eyes that he has to try and get out, close to sticky strings. Does anyone else get this? YES! tell him to catch some decongestant, like...

Does anyone use a humidifier or nouns purifier?
The heating is kept on alot during the day in a minute it is winter and i'm wondering if a humidifier or air purifier would help terminate asthma, allergies ir respiratory conditions in my six week old as it mentions surrounded by the mothercare catalogue. Does anyone use these and find...

Does anyone use powdered inhalers for asthma. If so, are you have any discouraging side effects.?
yes! used salbutamol inhaler since 20 years it have rapid action but on long tern use, it may constrict ur resperatory tract so swallowen reservation may be occurs. The powdered inhaler are via mouth. If you don't rinse your mouth it will...

Does anyone win a disorientation from pollen/allergies/asthma?
My doctor told me I have allergies/asthma from the pollen. I told him I think I have the flu because I had a fever of 102 for 5 days and a cold/cough which go into a resiptory infection. He insists it's allergies. Did anyone ever hear of allergies causing a fever? massively...

Does asthma affect the speed you run?
So i now know i have athsma and im going to zone and i want to know if it slows me down. I KNOW that it will be sturdy to breathe but will it slow my legs down? I don't think so And i am sorry about you yes if you are...

Does asthma affect your immune system?
I have been sick (mostly a sore throat) for over a month. When I touch like I am getting better, I usually budge outside to train hard for my sport, but the next sunshine, my throat feels feels grisly. Ever since I got sick, just 5 minutes of running make me wheeze and...

Does Asthma affects on skins conditions?
Like little red pimples around the nose? I have have asthma my hole life and i never had that problem u should jump to the dermatologist for the red pimples. good luck Possibly. But asthma is breathing problems. Learn more about side effects of asthma and conditions you could get if you own...

Does asthma and other allergic allergic reaction increase or condense blood pressure , and something like pulse?
"> Respiratory difficulty will raise pulse and b\p. Anxiety(common with severe asthma attacks) will also incline HR and BP. Rescue inhalers will cause the same problems. Big put somebody through the mill is how fast and how high? Heart rates over...

Does asthma budge away?
i was called out of class and it said i have asthma my parents told me i had it before when i be a kid my weirdass grandma told me she made me drink some weirnd medicine drink from cambodia? when i was little and it go away i was reading stuff on yahoo that...

Does asthma cause blood pressure to elevate?
you bet If your have an attack, it does because you panic. Also, some Asthma treatments have stimuli surrounded by them, which causes you B/P to rise. Numerous medicines used for asthma can elevate blood pressure, especially the broncodialators like theophyline. Advair sent my BP through the roof. An asthma attack might...

Does asthma clear up eventually?
Like by age 24? In some cases yeah, but contained by those cases, some of them get it again later surrounded by life. That's how my father was. I didn't hold it when I was born, but then I have it when I was in my untimely teens, now it only bothers me when...

Does asthma come support after a few years?
My girlfriend had asthma when she was a kid,and she is worried that it might come subsidise when she get's old.So,does it come back after a few years or it it a short time ago vanishes forever. I agree with what Q8girl has written, besides developing strong immune system help. Learning...

Does asthma cough produce phlegm?
I have had a chronic cough for over 6 weeks presently and keep going to the doctor. She is adamant I enjoy asthma. I have NEVER had asthma within my life and the two types of inhaler I have be on for 6 weeks or more are not making me better. I am going...

Does asthma coughing lead to put money on and chest throbbing
i had asthma before and it doesn't hurt resembling that it only gives you breathing difficulties Coughing of any disease if severe can cause chest pain. Its true near asthma also. This is due to muscle pull or rarely rib fracture contained by osteoporosis patients. But you have...

Does asthma create other diseases?
asthma is a disease but what other diseases are produced from asthma. Yes, since asthma makes you cough alot, it may interfere with other parts of your body and therefore it may cause some nature of desiese. I am not very sure, but take a shot at it. bronchitis ( acute) , enzyme, and...

Does Asthma disappear?
I was born 3 months early, and the individual thing I developed from it was sickness induced Asthma. When I was a toddler, whenever I would get a cold, I would enjoy symptoms of Asthma and had to use an inhaler. I treated it regularly, and after my 4th birthday, it disappeared, and I haven't any...

Does asthma drug be paid you gain substance?
I have moderate asthma and am obese,but I excercise and eat vigorous and everything.My mom says I'm obese because my asthma medicine messes next to my thyroid,which makes me gain weight.Is this true or is my mom purely trying to make me feel better? (By the channel,I am only about 20...

Does asthma enjoy a cure? save what are the mode of prevention?
i really dont know if i have asthma but i know that i get chocked up if i clutch too much of oily foods, or when i inheal dust or at times when am in the petrol station. also i notice i have this constant cool i...

Does asthma ever budge away?
when i was younger, i had asthma.. but over the years it a short time ago went away but now the symptoms are staring me surrounded by the face, have i get asthma again? Is this possible to get asthma at a young age, later it go away and come back subsequently in life?...

Does asthma ever progress away?
I am 14 I had asthma since I was 9 and presently my asthma came back when I get a cold, and i am now using my inhaler again. Will my asthma ever go away permenately? Also when i lug my inhaler it sometimes makes me feel restrained headed but helps me breath vastly...

Does asthma inhalers hurt you? why do they become addictive?
I have asthma and the doctor told me not to use inhalers and use relievers instead. What's wrong with using the inhalers? yes Tests conducted at Yoga Therapy Centers worldwide enjoy given outstanding results in treating asthma. Kapalbhati, Anuloma-Viloma, Ujjayi, Surbyabhedana and Bhramari are some yoga exercises which help...

Does Asthma medication containing oral steroids, such as Seretide, hold effects on muscle growth?
Are these steroids somehow different? Or are they the same products that athletes use, just contained by an inhaled form? not in impossible to tell apart way as anabolic steroids. The steriods in asthma medication react differently after metabolic steroids but, both forms are not...

Does Asthma medication effect womens fertility?
Does Asthma medication effect womens fertility? im on Ventorline (Inhaler +nebulisation) I m not able to concieve despite of any health or fertility problem. is mediaction is the defence ? i wouldn't believe answers from this site on such a serious question like so. nope i dont think so...and im on ventolin as...

Does Asthma own a glum effect on a person's sense of smell?
I bought a handbag on eBay that has a strong odor of cigarette smoke and the seller claims that noone surrounded by her home smokes and that she has asthma. Could her asthma keep her from smelling the smoke on the pod? I would surmise that smoke...

Does asthma qualify to receive social wellbeing disability?
Yes if it causes you to be unable to work. It have to be documented by a doctor for more than a year before it is considered. It is VERY rare for this disability in our day.I have it myself and in my 42 years, I hold NEVER met anyone...

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