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What Is The Correct Formula For Vertical Jump Power?

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There is a lot of misconception about the following formula:

Velocity x Force = Power

This is the correct formula for power, not the formula regarding vertical jump. Let me explain.

The vertical leap happens very quickly (approximately 2/10 of a second). There is a requisite amount of time that this power needs to take place so the body can be propelled off the ground. With regards to the POWER formula, velocity can be very low and force can be very high, and the resulting power would be high. This does not work in vertical jump because there would be no vertical jump.

Example 1: Let's take the strongest man in the world. We'll call him Fedor. Let's multiply his strength by 10. But there is a problem: his movements are slow! It takes him four seconds to fully contract his legs. He's got a lot of strength, but very little quickness, although his force level makes his power output simply incredibly. Unfortunately, he isn't even leaving the ground. His output power is still awesome!

Example 2: Willy is a basketball player. He's eleven years old, and can't even do a squat with his backpack on! He isn't too fast, but even with his ten-pound backpack, he has a vertical jump of fourteen inches, which isn't exactly impressive.

In this scenario, Fedor's power output is greater than Willy's, but Fedor isn't even getting off the ground while Willy is!

Okay, I know this is a fake example and you're probably thinking that someone who can squat that much would jump high, but the point I'm trying to make is that power output does not mean a higher vertical jump.

What matters in a vertical jump is contraction time.

To continue this discussion and to get more explanations of the way a vertical jump is developed, sign up here for free vertical leap training. It's Jacob Hiller's only official newsletter on how to jump higher.

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