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After Veneers: Keeping Them Clean

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The great thing about getting porcelain dental veneers is that they require very little special care after they have been applied. You may not even need a follow up appointment with the dentist. Unlike dentures and other tooth filling systems, they are very stain resistant, meaning you won't have the same types of problems when it comes to the foods you can eat and the amount of cleaning you have to endure. Of course, they do require some care, and you'll want them to last as long as possible, while still looking as good as they did the day you left the dental office.

As far as brushing goes, you can continue to use a traditional whitening toothpaste, which will keep the rest of your teeth looking good. Of course, it will be fairly impossible to change the color of the veneers themselves, but that's not the point. You can keep any staining plague from building up on the outside while keeping the rest of your smile in harmony with the dental applications. If you want to, inquire with your dentist about getting some special toothpaste specifically formulated for those with veneers. Only to be used on infrequent occasions, this special toothpaste will remove stains from the outside of the applications if they should happen to appear there.

One of the best things about porcelain veneers is that they are fully translucent, just as your regular enamel is. But this means you must be diligent in your tooth care system so that you don't attract gum disease and cavities, both of which can have a negative effect on the appearance of your smile. Most dentists recommend brushing at least twice a day, if not after every meal. You should also begin or continue a flossing regimen which includes breaking out the floss once a day. Rinse with a fluoride mouthwash once a day as well.

As far as flossing goes, check with your dentist to see if he has special recommendations for how you should practice the technique after you've had your veneers put in. The technique could include removing the floss from your teeth by pulling out, rather than straight up and down. Anything you can do to prevent chipping or breaking your applications should be done, as replacing them so soon would be a needless expense. Ask your dentist about general dental care with your new additions and make sure you aren't going to be doing anything that can compromise the bonding.

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