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How to Get Rid of A Side Ache While Running

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Nothing is more annoying than when you get a side ache (aka side stitch) during a run, especially during a race.
When you are an avid runner, or a beginner, you do not want to have to stop in the middle of your run.
So here are some ways to get rid of that side ache while running.
First are the ways to prevent the side stitches in the first place.
Don't Run Right After Eating.
Most everyone knows this, but you should wait a couple of hours after eating before starting your run.
However, most people also aren't going to wake up that early in order to wait the 2 hours.
So just don't eat too much if you know you are planning on a run.
Drink Water, But Not Too Much Side stitches are sometimes caused by dehydration.
It's important to be drinking enough water throughout the day.
Don't try to guzzle all the water you need right before a run.
That will probably lead to a side stitch.
Avoid Running in Extreme Cold Running in the cold can cause side aches, so if you can help it, try to wait until it's a warmer part of the day.
If you must go out in the cold, dress warm enough.
Now you're running along and you get a side stitch, what should you do? Check Your Breathing Make sure you are breathing deeply.
Fill your lungs.
It's much better to be taking deep breaths, than short little breaths.
Often runners get tired and start gasping for breath, rather than breathing deeply.
Rub it Out Often times it works to just "rub it out.
" Just push on the side ache and gently rub, while you continue to run.
Sometimes you can't get to the ache, it might be under your ribs, so try the next thing.
Change Your Breathing Pattern If your side stitch is on your left side, concentrate on breathing out when your right foot hits the ground.
Or if it's on your right side, breath out when your left foot hits the ground.
This one takes a little more concentration, but it usually works.
If it's one of those stubborn side aches that just won't go away after trying these, then you will just have to stop and walk for a minute until it goes away.
Hopefully it won't get to that, but there are those stubborn side aches out there.

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