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Directions for a Sportspower 15 Foot Trampoline

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    • 1). Identify a safe location for the trampoline to be set up -- one on a stable, level surface such as a lawn or gymnasium floor. To prevent injury from users striking objects above the trampoline, allow at least a 24 foot vertical clearance above the setup location. Wires, light and tree limbs are common hazards.

    • 2). Measure the lateral clearance surrounding the trampoline once you have picked out a location with adequate vertical clearance. Allow 10 feet of clearance around the perimeter of the trampoline; 35 feet of horizontal space is required in total (15-foot trampoline, plus 10 feet of clearance on either side).

    • 3). Position an assistant at the trampoline to hold the circular tube frame steady, then look for the marks that have been indented on the extension legs of the trampoline. Take one of the bottom lower extension legs containing the short narrow end, and align it with the indentation on the tubular frame extending towards the ground. Place them together, and place a metal gap spacer between the tubes. Have the assistant hold the tubes together in this position.

    • 4). Attach a U-bolt to each assembled leg section to secure it in place. Place the U-bolt over both tubes, then secure with a flat clamp and a lock nut. The U-bolt should be installed from the outside of the trampoline facing inwards, with the clamp and nuts facing the center of the trampoline. Assemble each of the 12 sections, then attach them in place using U-bolts around the perimeter of the trampoline.

    • 5). Cover each of the 12 flat clamps just installed with a plastic screw cover to prevent injury. Attach the foam covered upper frame tubes with the foam covered right frame tube by sliding them together. Make sure the indentations are correctly aligned while doing this. Secure with a Phillips-head screw placed in the small hole located near the end of each tube, then tighten the screw clockwise.

    • 6). Attach the foam covered left horizontal tubes with the foam covered down horizontal tubes by sliding them together. Secure each with a phillips head screw placed in the small hole located near the end of each tube, then tighten it clockwise. Construct an arch by attaching both horizontal tubes (left and right section) to two upper frame tubes, facing each other. Repeat this for all 6 sides of the trampoline.

    • 7). Loop the snap buckles connected to the top of the security mesh around the top of the tubes, then fasten the buckle halves together. Lace the mesh attachment cord that is provided by tying one end to a mat ring. Using an over-then-under pattern, thread the cord through both the mesh and the mat rings around the entire circumference of the trampoline frame. Pull the cord taught as you progress. Tie the cord off to the last mat ring encountered.

    • 8). Pull the mesh taught, then zip up the enclosure door that is located between two legs. Snap the two fastening buckles closed to seal the door. Adjust the snap buckles at the top of the mesh until the mesh stands stiff and tight. Once tight, secure the mesh further by using plastic ties that are included with the trampoline. Attach the Safety Placard to the trampoline door.


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