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How to Get a Sapphire Put in a Ring Mounting

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    • 1). Check out a lot of rung mounting options before you choose one for your ring. You need to pick the metal, the amount of stones you want in the setting and the setting size.

    • 2). Find the perfect sapphire. This includes the shape, size and color of the sapphire, as well as deciding between natural stone or a lab-created stone. You can get a larger sapphire for less if you choose lab-created.

    • 3). Consult with several jewelers before you choose one to put the sapphire in the ring mounting. The jeweler should be knowledgeable and well-trained, and you should be comfortable. Trust is very important when hiring a jeweler.

    • 4). Get details about the jeweler's training. Many receive on-the-job training, which can go a long way, but technical schools can also train jewelers.

    • 5). Preview the jeweler's work, especially when it comes to rings with settings and sapphires similar to yours. The jeweler's previous work can tell you a great deal about what to expect from your project.


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