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How Do I Get a Flatter Tummy After Liposuction?

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    • 1). Wait at least two to four weeks before getting back to a workout routine. After six to eight weeks, you can perform stomach exercises such as crunches. If you were not a regular exerciser before the liposuction, you will need more recovery time before strenuous exercise; it could take several months.

    • 2). Avoid extreme weight loss or weight gain. This can lead to an uneven or dimply skin appearance, according to Because the swelling from surgery can last up to six months before the final results will be evident, it is better to maintain your weight throughout the healing process.

    • 3). Get a massage. In general, massage can reduce the appearance of lumpy skin after liposuction. Lymphatic drainage massage in particular reduces inflammation more quickly and ensures that toxins are being removed properly, according to Looking Your This will speed up recovery time and could ensure a flatter tummy when the swelling is reduced. Improved circulation and stronger immune defenses are other massage benefits.

    • 4). Eat a low-fat diet rich in nutrient-dense foods. Your body needs protein after surgery. Choose lean proteins such as chicken or fish. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is a myth to think that you cannot gain weight back into your tummy after liposuction, advises The remaining fat cells will store the excess if you eat fatty foods and consume too many calories.

    • 5). Do aerobic exercise consistently. Activities like biking, walking, jogging, dancing and swimming keep you toned, promote weight loss, increase metabolism and burn calories. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends moderate cardiovascular or aerobic exercise for about 30 minutes at least five days a week. You can do more, but pay attention to your body's response to exercise and how fatigued you feel.


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