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Cures for Blemishes

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    Tea Tree Oil

    • Tea Tree oil originated in Australia and is a natural antiseptic that has been used for generations to help heal skin infections. An interesting fact about Tea Tree oil is that the solution becomes more effective when it comes into contact with the affected area.

      Tea Tree oil is a helpful agent in healing acne blemishes and is even said to be just as good as benzyl peroxide products found in the acne section of drug stores.

      Because Tea Tree oil is so strong, until skin becomes somewhat used to the natural medicine, it should be diluted before applying it to the skin. To use, simply mix 1 part Tea Tree oil with 3 parts water. Apply the solution directly to pimples twice a day until they heal. If no irritation occurs after 24 hours, you can make the oil a little stronger by mixing 1 part Tea Tree oil with 2 parts water.


    • Honey is nature's antibiotic derived by the nectar of flowers and manufactured by honeybees. It contains potassium which goes into cells and suffocates bacteria. This sticky substance also stays in place when used as a skin treatment.

      To heal a blemish, apply a drop of honey directly to the site. Make sure the face is clean before the application process. This can be done during the day or before bed as long as the honey will have time to soak into the blemish.

    Brewer's Yeast

    • Brewer's yeast is a substance that contains high levels of B vitamins and chromium. Brewer's yeast has such high nutritional value, some even take it as a supplement for its vitamins and minerals. Aside from its benefits when taken internally, it has powerful effects when used as an external skin treatment. Brewer's yeast powder mixed with a few drops of water and applied to pimples will heal them at a speedy rate.

      Combine brewer's yeast powder with enough water (1/2 tsp. water to 1 tsp. brewer's yeast) to make a gummy substance. Apply the paste to pimples or as an allover acne mask. Allow yeast to dry for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

      Brewer's yeast will draw out the infection and impurities from the blemishes. This makes the pimples come to the surface of the skin where they can easily be brushed away or gently extracted.


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