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Bariatric Surgery is Improving Female Sexual Life

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In case you did not know it already, aproximately 60% of women looking for bariatric surgery are suffering from sexual dysfunctions, symptoms which were solved for a high percentage of women after having weight loss surgery, at least this is what a study made by a group of researchers at Brown University shows.

This study tracked 54 women who were sexually active and compared their sexual functioning before and after weight loss surgery, either they had a lap band, a gastric bypass or a gastric sleeve surgery.

Furthermore, they wanted to see which procedure was more effective, comparing the laparoscopic gastric banding and the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The amount of weight lost after these two procedures was very different, as patients who had the lap band surgery lost 24 percent of their weight (excess weight), while gastric bypass patients suffered a more dramatic weight loss – 60 % of their additional weight -.

However, regardless of the amount of additional weight lost after the two surgeries, the results regarding the females' sexual functioning were very much similar. These results amazed the researchers, as were present sooner than expected: within 6 months after surgery.

The results were attributed to the variety of changes that happen in a bariatric surgery patient's life. They change their weight, but they change their aspect, the quality of their life and they get their self-esteem back, so psychological factors are easy to predict. Still, some physiological factors are suspected to be involved too, but they were not included in the mentioned study.

Whatever the causes are, the results are worthy, as with losing weight your health and the quality of your life also improves.This is why we encourage having bariatric surgery for morbidly obese persons.

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