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How to Use Acuvue 2 Colours Contacts

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    • 1). Select the contact lens color of your choice. The Acuvue website offers a tool to help select a color if you don't already know what color you wish to have. The brand offers colors that enhance your natural eye color or different shades completely, including green, blue, brown or gray.

    • 2). Purchase the Acuvue color contacts of your choice through your eye doctor or online through websites that sell contact lenses. Colored contact lenses are available both with and without a vision-change prescription.

    • 3). Clean your hands with soap and water and dry thoroughly.

    • 4). Rinse the right eye contact lens with contact lens solution and place the contact on the tip of your index finger.

    • 5). Hold open your right eyelid with your other hand and use the remaining fingers on your other hand to gently pull down the lower eyelid.

    • 6). Look up and use the index finger to gently place the color contact lens onto the eye.

    • 7). Let go of the upper and lower eyelids and blink the right eye several times.

    • 8). Repeat steps 4 through 7 with the left contact lens.


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