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Weightlifting For Women - Ways to Improve Your Workout

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It is not anymore a man's world.
Now we are able to do jobs that used to be only for men.
Name it, we have it-women lawyers, women politicians, women construction workers, women drivers and many others.
We now work and provide for our families, which used to be solely the role of the husband.
And people see us getting stronger and stronger over time, not only mentally or spiritually but also physically.
In the field of sports, which used to be dominated by men, women have slowly worked their way in.
Even in masculine events such as weightlifting, we see more and more women actively participate.
It is no wonder why weightlifting has become a popular form of exercise among women.
It not only improves one's health and appearance but also empowers us and makes us feel equal with men.
If you are one of those women who are into weightlifting, here are some essential tips that can help you improve your workout further.
Give time for yourself.
A woman's job is endless-caring for the children, doing household chores, and working to help augment the income of the family.
But every woman should find time for herself especially when it comes to matters like exercise and maintaining one's health.
This is not to say that you should stop cooking or stop seeing your kids, but set aside even just 30 minutes to 1 hour of your each day so you can devote it for your weightlifting program.
Your family will also benefit from a healthier and more active you.
Do not skip workout sessions when you do not feel like it.
Be consistent with your workout, it is one of the best ways to achieve excellent results.
Unless you are not feeling well or you have a really urgent matter to attend to, procrastination is always a big no-no.
Get plenty of rest.
Good quality sleep enables your muscles to rest and recuperate.
If you work out intensely during the day and then you hardly get any eye-shut at night, do not expect for your health to improve but it will only deteriorate.
Nourish yourself properly.
Just like what you advise to your kids: eat a balanced diet, you should practice what you preach.
Increase intake of foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.
Increase intensity of your workout.
To further improve the quality of your workout, try some of these techniques: oIncrease repetitions or sets of your movements.
oIncrease the weights you are lifting.
oDo more sessions a week.
Of course, before doing any of these, do not forget to consult first with a professional trainer to ensure that your method is still safe and that you are not overdoing it.
For all the women out there, keep in mind that we no longer deserve the tag "weaker sex" because we are strong, empowered and confident.
Enjoy your workout and have fun!

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