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7 Ways To Lose Belly Fat Fast

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There are many people who exercise faithfully, doing crunches until they are exhausted and dieting to the point of starvation, but in spite of all their hard work they just can't seem to eliminate their belly fat. With all the diet pills and other weight loss programs on offer it can be tempting to think that there is no natural way to lose belly fat.

1. Unhealthy eating habits and a low fiber diet contribute to fat accumulation around the stomach. Hence it is important to adjust your eating habits in conjunction with your workout regimen. To lose belly fat fast, one has to alter his/her eating habits and make healthy food choices. Junk, fried and fast foods should be completely avoided as they increase the risks of being overweight. Incorporating food items like lean meats, green leafy vegetables like spinach or romaine lettuce, fruits, whole grains, etc., which are low in calories and fat, in your daily diet, will help combating abdominal bloating and belly weight. Limiting calorie and sugar intake will also aid in getting rid of the belly fat.

2. Make water your regular beverage of choice. Tea is a good option and even coffee is okay as long as you avoid adding sugar. Soda is not allowed. Stay away from sports drinks too. An occasional glass of juice is good so long as there is no sugar added. Check the ingredients. Lastly, if you like beer, especially lager, resist the urge---instead drink wine or liquor.

3. In addition to doing sits ups, you can lose belly fat by being careful about what you eat. You should eat little and often aiming to have up to six small meals a day. This will accomplish a number of things not least avoiding bloating and cravings, two things that can put off even the most determined dieter. Obviously you cannot graze on candy or cakes but will have to follow a sensible eating plan.

4. Exercise is a very important aspect in weight loss. You want to have a balance of both cardio and strength training to promote fat loss. This is important to give your body a variety of fat burning and muscle building rotation. This helps shock muscles in a sporadic way, giving way for fast results and lasting habits.

5. Studies show that when stress levels rise in the body, our body releases high levels of the hormone cortisol, which directly results in increased appetite and fat production in the belly area. Hence, managing your stress levels by taking proper rest, and living a stress free life will slow down the production of cortisol and the fat deposition in the stomach.

6. Take time to enjoy your food rather than grabbing a quick TV dinner in front of your favorite show. Cooking your own food rather than relying on processed meals will help you to lose pounds. Taking your time and savoring every mouthful will help you to lose weight as well as you are far more likely to stop eating when you are full rather than just finishing what is on your plate.

7. When it comes to cardio many people think that the longer they exercise the more inches they will lose. However, it has been shown that running at an even pace for an extended period may not be the best way to approach trying to lose fat. Exercise routines that involve interval training are the most effective at burning fat in shorter workout sessions and helping you lose inches.

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