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Skin Firming Body Lotions - Be Careful With Artificial Ingredients

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We go drooling at a celebrity on TV, when we know that he/she is like what 40 odd, but looks 30? How we wish we could look young like that too? The best way to achieve and maintain a firm body is to keep up a regular exercise routine.
 But if you can't hit the gym as often as a lot of other people, or your skin has specific conditions which will make it lose firmness easier than the others, skin firming body lotions are the best way to achieve that great body.
  So are you looking for a good Skin firming body lotion? Then here's what you should know about them before you start looking for one.
  First of all it's important to know what actually makes your skin firm and if its suitable for you skin or not.
 Skin firming is needed when you grow old and the visible signs of wrinkles and lines start appearing.
 The two skin proteins Collagen and Elastin helps your skin stay firm and flexible.
 Once aging starts, your levels of protein production reduce and are not the same as when you were young therefore the skin loses flexibility and firmness.
  It is a known fact that an ideal skin firming body lotion should not include collagen or elastin although these are what your skin is in lack of.
 Artificial collagen molecules are too big for your skin cells to be absorbed.
 It is evident that many firming body lotions in the market states that they contain collagen for advertising purposes.
 Do not be misled by this, what your skin need is a  topical product that will have ingredients which will help your skin cells to maintain an adequate level of collagen and elastin.
  It is widely accepted that petroleum based ingredients are not healthy for skin.
 Special fragrances are made with artificial chemicals which can be harmful for your skin and therefore need not be included in a  body lotion.
 Using products with artificial ingredients for a long time, can make way for a lot of side effects including rashes, itching and even serious conditions such as paralysis, convulsions, and collapse of the circulatory system! Now you understand why you have to be very careful when you select a cream, gel or lotion because it covers a wider proportion of your body.
  Most skin firming products have artificial ingredients.
 This is to speed up the process and give better results.
However, an intelligent consumer would be wise to choose a skin firming body lotion which has natural ingredients as majority, combined with a several artificial chemicals to a certain extent.
 Knotted or Norwegian Kelp, Shea butter, Aloe gel, Sunflower oil are some of the natural ingredients which can be commonly found in many body lotions.

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