Sensitive tooth! Watch out before it gets too late!
We often take our teeth for granted and chew away anything without giving them a second thought. We do not realize how important it is to take care of our teeth until we have a problem. Prolonged negligence lead to tenderness of teeth. Person suffering from sensitive tooth finds difficulty in consuming too hot too cold foodstuff as it sends a sizzling sensation through the root canal. Tender teeth become a nuisance and affect our daily life by keeping us away from our favorite food. Taking less care of teeth also lead to gum diseases and formation of plaque. Improper care causes swelling in your gums, which increases the chances of tooth decay. Chewing food becomes painful.
What you do when you have a sensitive tooth.
1. Avoid chewing hard and crunchy food items. As you already have a sensitive tooth this may damage your tooth enamel further and cause pain.
2. Use a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles. Hard toothbrush may damage your gums and make them bleed. Follow the right technique to brush your teeth. Most of the people brush their teeth in an up-down motion, which may cause the food particles to enter deep in to the gums. You may start with an up and down motion for some time but end with side-by-side strokes. As told by Dr. Pittman (Henry.J.Austin Health Center), toothbrush should be moved in and out along the gum line tilted at an angle of 45 degrees away from the gum. This prevents the formation of plaque. Take at least 10 minutes to brush your teeth to get rid of the hidden food particles sticking onto your teeth and gums.
3. Use a paste that is specially formulated for sensitive teeth. This gives a temporary relief.
4. Brush after every meal. Food particles get stuck between teeth especially towards the gums. The sooner the food particles are removed from the teeth, he better it is for them. The later they are removed; greater are the chances of tooth sensitivity and decay.
5. Rinse your mouth with water after every snack, especially after tea/coffee and milk. This prevents tooth decay.
6. Go for fluoride rinse as it makes teeth less sensitive.
7. Vitamin C is an essential component required by our body to fight against various infections and diseases. It keeps our gums healthy by protecting them against gum diseases and bleeding. Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are best source of vitamin C.
8. Do not combine hot and cold food or drinks. Give a gap in between else teeth become more sensitive and you feel pain whenever you take hot or very cold food items. For example avoid taking tea after ice cream.
9. Smoking is bad for teeth. It increases the formation of plaque, causes discoloring of teeth; teeth turn yellowish and very sensitive. This also leads to swelling in gums which then cause difficulty in chewing food.
10. One should go for flossing. Flossing prevents gum decay and tooth sensitivity.
11. Always brush your teeth at night before going off to sleep else plaque formation appear on the margins of teeth leading to decay and gum diseases sooner than you expect.
What you do when you have a sensitive tooth.
1. Avoid chewing hard and crunchy food items. As you already have a sensitive tooth this may damage your tooth enamel further and cause pain.
2. Use a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles. Hard toothbrush may damage your gums and make them bleed. Follow the right technique to brush your teeth. Most of the people brush their teeth in an up-down motion, which may cause the food particles to enter deep in to the gums. You may start with an up and down motion for some time but end with side-by-side strokes. As told by Dr. Pittman (Henry.J.Austin Health Center), toothbrush should be moved in and out along the gum line tilted at an angle of 45 degrees away from the gum. This prevents the formation of plaque. Take at least 10 minutes to brush your teeth to get rid of the hidden food particles sticking onto your teeth and gums.
3. Use a paste that is specially formulated for sensitive teeth. This gives a temporary relief.
4. Brush after every meal. Food particles get stuck between teeth especially towards the gums. The sooner the food particles are removed from the teeth, he better it is for them. The later they are removed; greater are the chances of tooth sensitivity and decay.
5. Rinse your mouth with water after every snack, especially after tea/coffee and milk. This prevents tooth decay.
6. Go for fluoride rinse as it makes teeth less sensitive.
7. Vitamin C is an essential component required by our body to fight against various infections and diseases. It keeps our gums healthy by protecting them against gum diseases and bleeding. Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are best source of vitamin C.
8. Do not combine hot and cold food or drinks. Give a gap in between else teeth become more sensitive and you feel pain whenever you take hot or very cold food items. For example avoid taking tea after ice cream.
9. Smoking is bad for teeth. It increases the formation of plaque, causes discoloring of teeth; teeth turn yellowish and very sensitive. This also leads to swelling in gums which then cause difficulty in chewing food.
10. One should go for flossing. Flossing prevents gum decay and tooth sensitivity.
11. Always brush your teeth at night before going off to sleep else plaque formation appear on the margins of teeth leading to decay and gum diseases sooner than you expect.