Hemorrhoid Creams, Do They Work?
Nowadays, hemorrhoid creams are becoming more and more popular. Most people opt to use this to cure their hemorrhoids instead of getting a surgical procedure. Aside from creams, there are also ointments available. A lot of us think they are the same but they are not. Cream is a water based product which is why most people choose this. This is advantageous because you can easily apply it and when the water in it evaporates, it will only leave behind the active ingredients of the medication. Greasiness is one factor between getting a cream and an ointment. Creams are not greasy because it is a water based product. But do they really work?
Generally, both of them are used for relief not cure. But if you are suffering from an earlier stage of hemorrhoids, then they might help. They can easily relieve symptoms such as itching, swelling and pain. However, it is still recommended that you should also do preventive measures aside from over the counter medications. Over the counter medications cannot totally eradicate your problem, rather they relieve its symptoms which is also very helpful. If you do preventive measures such as changing your diet by adding more fiber and eating more fruits and vegetables, plus drinking more water, then it is very possible that you can totally eradicate your problem.
However, you should always remember not to overuse a certain medication. It is advisable to start with a light cream not the stronger ones. This is because the anal area absorbs the cream really fast and stronger ones might cause irritation. If a certain product does not give you any result then you can move on to a stronger one but keep in mind to use it as prescribed and do not overuse it. Most are only used within a period of 3 days.
Generally, both of them are used for relief not cure. But if you are suffering from an earlier stage of hemorrhoids, then they might help. They can easily relieve symptoms such as itching, swelling and pain. However, it is still recommended that you should also do preventive measures aside from over the counter medications. Over the counter medications cannot totally eradicate your problem, rather they relieve its symptoms which is also very helpful. If you do preventive measures such as changing your diet by adding more fiber and eating more fruits and vegetables, plus drinking more water, then it is very possible that you can totally eradicate your problem.
However, you should always remember not to overuse a certain medication. It is advisable to start with a light cream not the stronger ones. This is because the anal area absorbs the cream really fast and stronger ones might cause irritation. If a certain product does not give you any result then you can move on to a stronger one but keep in mind to use it as prescribed and do not overuse it. Most are only used within a period of 3 days.