Alzheimer care- Things about which you should be aware
People who are of age 65 or going to cross soon fear of one disease names as Alzheimer's. This disease is a kind of brain disorder which creates malfunctioning inside and this malfunctioning usually affects the daily routine schedule of the patients quite badly. Though studies has revealed that younger adults can also get affected by this type of disease but probability of caught by this disease has been found in older adults more. First of all you should be aware of the fact that Alzheimer is not a disease it's an disorder and after certain stages it results in the more dangerous disease i.e. dementia. As medical professionals believe that curing an Alzheimer disorder in its early stages is much easier and possible then treating dementia after Alzheimer. So if you have any relative or elder family member in your family who is suffering from Alzheimer related problem then the diagnosis of his/her Alzheimer should be properly carried out. In case If Alzheimer is not properly diagnosed by your medical expert then it will result not make your life miserable and you will have more chances of getting dementia disease.
It's a fact that most important reason of getting stuck with dementia disease is Alzheimer disease.
In some unusual cases younger adult person of age 40-55 also have the very rare possibility of getting dementia disease and this situation is known as early on set dementia. Caregivers who provide Alzheimer care to elder patients is just like providing them a support to live life. Sometimes Alzheimer is understood as a kind of dementia which creates problems in memory, thinking and behavior. Alzheimer should not be understand as a normal part of aging as most people think that after certain ages this type of changes are normal and just because of aging. Common symptoms of Alzheimer disease includes;
1. Impairment issues in memory and thinking abilities.
2. Feeling of disorientation and confusion as elder will not be able to return to home when he will be out somewhere and even he will not be able to remind that where he is now and how he got there.
3. Patients of this disease will often misplace their things and they will not able to find them as it will not be in their memory where they have placed that particular thing.
4. Such people will definitely find some tasks more difficult to do then they would be for a normal person and will deny always doing tasks such as balancing a checkbook, arranging some objects or reconstruction of something again.
It's a fact that most important reason of getting stuck with dementia disease is Alzheimer disease.
In some unusual cases younger adult person of age 40-55 also have the very rare possibility of getting dementia disease and this situation is known as early on set dementia. Caregivers who provide Alzheimer care to elder patients is just like providing them a support to live life. Sometimes Alzheimer is understood as a kind of dementia which creates problems in memory, thinking and behavior. Alzheimer should not be understand as a normal part of aging as most people think that after certain ages this type of changes are normal and just because of aging. Common symptoms of Alzheimer disease includes;
1. Impairment issues in memory and thinking abilities.
2. Feeling of disorientation and confusion as elder will not be able to return to home when he will be out somewhere and even he will not be able to remind that where he is now and how he got there.
3. Patients of this disease will often misplace their things and they will not able to find them as it will not be in their memory where they have placed that particular thing.
4. Such people will definitely find some tasks more difficult to do then they would be for a normal person and will deny always doing tasks such as balancing a checkbook, arranging some objects or reconstruction of something again.