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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

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The question about how much dental implants cost is one that is asked frequently. Of course, the answer you are probably expecting is the one that you will get: "It depends". If you look at resources online, you will generally see a range between $1250 and $3000 per implant. The price can jump up into the tens of thousands of dollars for complex surgeries that include bone grafting/regeneration and operations on the sinuses. So, getting an evaluation from an actual cosmetic dentistry professional is the only way to tell for sure how much you can expect to pay for your implants.

What are some of the items that are often included when determining what your dental implants cost? For a basic procedure, this may cover initial x-rays/evaluation and the extraction of any remaining fragments or the root of the damaged/missing tooth. There are usually separate charges for each stage of the tooth replacement process. First, there is the placement of the post (this is the actual "dental implant surgery" part of the procedure). Next, there is the addition of the abutment. Finally, there is the attachment of the crown. There are fees associated with each step both for the component used and for the time the dentist spends on the procedure. For multiple implants or those that include "permanent" dentures, the charges go up substantially.  Anesthesia (general and/or local) is another charge to take into account. There may also be pain medications and antibiotics you will need to take after the implant surgery. The benefit of having dental implants done is that it is a permanent solution. Unlike bridges that frequently fail in less than a decade and require replacement, you can expect to pay once for your implants and be set for life.

Currently, dental implants cost are not covered by most insurance plans. However, you should always check before assuming anything. Sometimes, aspects of the restorative process are reimbursable even if the actual implant surgery isn't. That's one important reason to get a full explanation of exactly what is being done. Of course, even if you have to pay out of pocket, it is still feasible for you to move forward with getting your dental implants. Cost effective payment plans are offered to patients at the Smiles by Sands office. These make it possible to spread out the financial investment in your new tooth (or teeth) and make it affordable for your current budget.

Not every orthodontist charges the same amount for implants. Their costs depend on their regular fee schedule and what methods they are using to fix your teeth. So, when you get quotes from multiple dentists you should always ask for a breakdown of what procedures are included. That way you can ask questions about whether or not one approach is more cost effective than another and why your dentist is recommending a particular implant procedure. A professional dentist will have no problem explaining their process and recommendations to you so you can make an informed decision. To learn more about dental implant costs and schedule an initial evaluation at no charge, contact the cosmetic dentistry experts at Smiles by Sands.

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