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Top 3 Butt-Firming Exercises to Get Those Glutes Toned

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Many of us dream of having a nice, firm round butt. However, many of us are propbably unhappy with the shape of our glutes - they are either too flabby, too flat, or too saggy. Although genetics do play a large part in the shape of your buttocks, you can still do a lot to change that with a few simple weight training exercises. Below are the top 3 exercises to firm and tone your butt.

Butt-Firming Exercise #1 - Lunges

This exercise is great for firming and toning your butt. You can use a barbell, dumbbells, or your own body weight for resistance. These can be done by either staying in one spot, or by taking strides around a room.

Begin by standing with your feet together. Take a big step forward, ensuring that your knee is directly above your foot. Lower your body so your back knee is a couple of inches off the floor. Raise yourself back up, then take a big step back to where you started. Alternate legs, and try to complete at least 10 lunges per leg to get a good burn.

Butt-Firming Exercise #2 - Step-Ups

This exercise is wonderful for firming your glutes, quads and hamstrings. Find somewhere that will provide at least a 1.5 foot step up, such as a secure bench, stairs, or exercise steps. Again, use whatever you like for resistance - such as dumbbells, your body weight, or even a large water bottle for each hand.

Take one large step up with one foot, and raise your body all the way up so that your other foot makes contact with the top step. Then return back down to starting position. Alternate between legs, and try to do about 25 steps per leg.

Butt-Firming Exercise #3 - Squats

Squats are one of the most basic weight resistance exercises out there. They are great at targeting most of the major muscle groups in the lower body. Squats can be done using dumbbells, a barbell, an exercise band, or even your own body weight.

Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Slowly lower your body until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. If you go any lower, you may increase resistance, but you may also increase chances of damaging your knees. Ensure that your back is kept straight, your butt is sticking out, and your face is kept forward. Then slowly raise your body back up to starting position.

Targeting the butt will give you firm, toned glutes that you've always wanted. Just make sure that you perform these exercises slowly and properly to limit chances of injury. In addition, be sure to incorporate a healthy diet low in calories to lose the fat required to show off that butt!

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