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Lose Higher Percentage of Body Fat - 3 Hot Tips From the Pro Dieters

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When losing weight, you want to lose higher percentage of body fat.
If you cut down on foods such as body fats, or other food groups, your body will get the wrong signal and try to survive by storing any existing fat that will cause you to gain weight.
Too many people make this mistake, but now you have the chance to maximize your weight loss results by doing the right things and eating the right things.
* Work Your Muscles The key to burning more fat is to build more muscle mass throughout your body.
By doing some form of cardiovascular workout about 30 minutes a day, you could build muscle at a good speed and thus burn more fat daily.
You can lose some weight everyday, but a higher percentage of that weight would be fat rather than water, which is what you want right? We know we can't get a toned and lean body just from working out alone, we need to combine that with the right foods that will help us increase our metabolism so we can lose more fat from our workouts.
* Make small changes Instead of sitting when you don't have to, you can walk around or find something else to do that involves some form of activity.
Whether it's just 10 minutes or a few minutes, it all adds up during the day.
When you go to the store, try to park far away from the store, then get out and walk the rest of the way.
* Eat Coconut oil daily Yes this stuff is great.
I eat it with every meal.
I just take a tablespoon and dip it into the oil, and take it by mouth.
It helps burn fat and it works great when taken everyday.

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