Easy Workouts to Get Six Pack Abs
Easy AND workout in the same sentence? Well there are some workouts that are relatively easy, but to a beginner they may be hard.
The hardest ones are always the workouts the produce the most fat loss and muscle gain, but the easier ones are the best to start on, because you have to start somewhere.
Losing stomach fat and getting six pack abs can be a tricky subject because there is so much misinformation on the web and being portrayed by people in the media today.
Let me clear up a few myths and show you what the right workouts to do are..
The first myth is this..
You can get abs by doing ab exercises.
This myth is so far from the truth it is amazing that people still believe it.
Your abs are not going to get so big and strong that they protrude through your layer of body fat.
You must burn body fat, and then you will see your abs.
Then start worrying about training them to get them a bit more defined.
Myth two..
Ab machines are the best way to get abs This is bollocks.
Ab machines may train your abs, but they don't do anything that you can't do on the floor of your lounge.
For free also.
You need to lose the fat first and then train the abs, however my website is dedicated to that, here are a few easy simple workouts to get abs..
Start doing high intensity cardio Stop drinking sodas, energy drinks and milkshakes Start lifting weights in the gym and put in the odd ab workout a couple of times a week, exercises such as sit ups, crunches, bicycle crunch, medicine ball sit ups, leg raises.
These are all ab workouts that are comparatively easy.
The hardest ones are always the workouts the produce the most fat loss and muscle gain, but the easier ones are the best to start on, because you have to start somewhere.
Losing stomach fat and getting six pack abs can be a tricky subject because there is so much misinformation on the web and being portrayed by people in the media today.
Let me clear up a few myths and show you what the right workouts to do are..
The first myth is this..
You can get abs by doing ab exercises.
This myth is so far from the truth it is amazing that people still believe it.
Your abs are not going to get so big and strong that they protrude through your layer of body fat.
You must burn body fat, and then you will see your abs.
Then start worrying about training them to get them a bit more defined.
Myth two..
Ab machines are the best way to get abs This is bollocks.
Ab machines may train your abs, but they don't do anything that you can't do on the floor of your lounge.
For free also.
You need to lose the fat first and then train the abs, however my website is dedicated to that, here are a few easy simple workouts to get abs..
Start doing high intensity cardio Stop drinking sodas, energy drinks and milkshakes Start lifting weights in the gym and put in the odd ab workout a couple of times a week, exercises such as sit ups, crunches, bicycle crunch, medicine ball sit ups, leg raises.
These are all ab workouts that are comparatively easy.