Vertigo: Early Treatment
Are you experiencing recurrent dizziness, lightheadedness, faintness and unsteadiness? Or you may be feeling that you are spinning and whirling around frequently?Well, maybe you have bouts of what we call vertigo.
Vertigo is one of the most common health problems in adults.
The sensation of movement and the perception of movement are results of a disturbance in balance or equilibrium.
But vertigo is actually not a disease but only a symptom.
It occurs as result of disorder in the peripheral and central vestibular system which is responsible for integrating sensory stimuli and movement and for keeping objects in visual focus as the body moves.
Vertigo spells may last a few seconds to a few minutes which are intermittent, usually as a result of a change in position or sudden movement of the head such as rolling over in bed and getting out of bed.
Severe vertigo can lead to irritability, loss of self-esteem, depression and injuries from falls.
These complications can really be disabling and may cause permanent damage.
So before your vertigo becomes severe, you need to address some of the symptoms from the beginning.
It is very important to diagnose the cause of vertigo or dizziness in its early stages to rule out any possible serious ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke, hemorrhage, or tumors.
Apart from your clinical history, there are several examinations you need to undergo to diagnose your real condition.
These are: oPhysical examination such as blood pressure and heart rate oNeurological examination such as facial, eye movements, audiometry, vestibular nerves and muscles, strength, coordination, balance and walking tests.
oBlood tests which include a complete blood count (CBC) and kidney and thyroid panels to rule out systemic diseases (e.
, kidney disease, hypothyroidism).
oImaging tests such as computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.
The treatment for vertigo highly depends on the identifying and eliminating the underlying cause.
For vestibular disorders, a vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) can be ideal.
It is a type of physical therapy to minimize dizziness, improve balance, and prevent falls by restoring normal function of the vestibular system.
Vertigo which is caused by migraine can often be treated with medication.
Surgery, radiation or medication may be required for vertigo caused by cerebrovascular diseases (i.
stroke), tumors, and multiple sclerosis.
Vertigo is one of the most common health problems in adults.
The sensation of movement and the perception of movement are results of a disturbance in balance or equilibrium.
But vertigo is actually not a disease but only a symptom.
It occurs as result of disorder in the peripheral and central vestibular system which is responsible for integrating sensory stimuli and movement and for keeping objects in visual focus as the body moves.
Vertigo spells may last a few seconds to a few minutes which are intermittent, usually as a result of a change in position or sudden movement of the head such as rolling over in bed and getting out of bed.
Severe vertigo can lead to irritability, loss of self-esteem, depression and injuries from falls.
These complications can really be disabling and may cause permanent damage.
So before your vertigo becomes severe, you need to address some of the symptoms from the beginning.
It is very important to diagnose the cause of vertigo or dizziness in its early stages to rule out any possible serious ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke, hemorrhage, or tumors.
Apart from your clinical history, there are several examinations you need to undergo to diagnose your real condition.
These are: oPhysical examination such as blood pressure and heart rate oNeurological examination such as facial, eye movements, audiometry, vestibular nerves and muscles, strength, coordination, balance and walking tests.
oBlood tests which include a complete blood count (CBC) and kidney and thyroid panels to rule out systemic diseases (e.
, kidney disease, hypothyroidism).
oImaging tests such as computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.
The treatment for vertigo highly depends on the identifying and eliminating the underlying cause.
For vestibular disorders, a vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) can be ideal.
It is a type of physical therapy to minimize dizziness, improve balance, and prevent falls by restoring normal function of the vestibular system.
Vertigo which is caused by migraine can often be treated with medication.
Surgery, radiation or medication may be required for vertigo caused by cerebrovascular diseases (i.
stroke), tumors, and multiple sclerosis.