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Causes of Bad Breath: Time to Start Blaming Yourself

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You know how disheartening it is to find out that you might have smelly breath.
That bad taste in your mouth that you have been mulling over and over.
How long have you thought about the possibility that you just might have the dreaded stench? When it comes to smelly breath, it can be hard to determine if you have any.
This is because your body might have gotten used to the odor for so long that the stench might have been there for a while already.
So when it comes to finding out if you do have smelly breath, it's better that you identify the possible causes of it first.
Causes of bad breath can range from direct to indirect depending on the factors and the situations you may be in.
When it comes to the possible causes of bad breath, you have to find out what the nature of it first.
Halitosis or as some may call it, smelly breath, is that foul stench that comes out of your mouth when you talk.
It won't kill you, but it can kill your confidence.
Some people have found it very difficult to converse with someone especially when they have smelly breath.
This can lead to a lot of shameful situations when you converse with someone, particularly with a girl.
And this can destroy a lot of relationships in the long run.
There are treatments for curing such.
But the best possible way that you can do is to clear your mouth of any infesting smells.
Clean up your act! The causes of bad breath can be seen in what you eat, what you do for a living or even where you live at.
But no matter what reason it may be, it is only proper that you address these causes of bad breath before worse comes to worst.
Here are some of the possible causes of bad breath.
Read them well, as these may really help you in curing smelly breath.
The Biggest Housing Community for Your Oral Bacteria It has been said that one of the main causes of bad breath is the presence of bacteria that reside in your tongue.
No doubt, this is true.
With all the daily intake of food and drinks and what have you passing through the most recognizable part of your mouth, it is only proper to say that does have its issues.
The dorsum part of the tongue is where most of the bacteria reside since saliva does not pass through this are as often.
And for those who don't know, saliva is a key tool in keeping your breath free from bad odor.
With more saliva, there will be fewer odors since bacteria cant grow properly in a wet mouth.
The bacteria live off through the remaining residue of food that has been stuck in your mouth due to lack of cleaning.
And in turn, these bacteria tend to create a lot of substances.
These bacteria and the substances that they produce are the true causes of bad breath because of the foul smell that comes along with the secretion.
Vices! If you're the type who likes to smoke a lot during your free time and you constantly indulge in alcoholic drinks, don't expect to get rid of your smelly breath anytime soon.
Most people don't realize it, but these can be causes of bad breath too.
Alcohol can cause the mouth to dry up, and as said earlier, it is important for your mouth to stay as moist as possible so bacteria wouldn't grow.
When it comes to cigarettes, the gums are the ones that tend to be in a lot of trouble.
Damaged gums due to over-smoking can cause periodontal diseases which in turn, can be one of the causes of bad breath.
Beyond your Mouth Never undermine the possibility that one of the causes of bad breath goes beyond the things that are inside your mouth.
If someone tells you that it smells like there are feces in your mouth, you might what to take that more seriously.
Gastrointestinal build-up due to irregular bowel movement can be one of the causes of bad breath.
Aside from that, the medicine that you take can also be one of the causes of bad breath.
Aspirins, diuretics and anti-depressants have been known to suppress the production of saliva, so be wary of this.
Other such possible causes of smelly breath are respiratory tract infections, mucus build-ups and bronchitis.
When it comes to the causes of bad breath, one thing is for sure: you may have it because of the lifestyle that you have.
It's all in the way you live and how disciplined you are! So be mindful of what you do and give your mouth the proper oral hygiene that it deserves.

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