The Sun Is Great For Your Skin
The sun is vital for life on Earth. Without it life would cease to exist. The sun is also a great source of Vitamin D for the skin, but many scare stores do exist about how safe it is to go out in the sun. So just what should you do?
The suns rays are also known as UV rays and when the sun is at extreme temperatures these rays can do damage to the skin such as burning. Too much sun exposure is not advised at all, and ignoring this can result in burning of the skin and also premature ageing.
So if you are to embark in the outdoors when the sun is shining you need to be making sure that you are using a good sun lotion or better still that you wear a sun block. What you need to ensure is that the SPF is high. The brand nor the price or factors in how well your skin will be protected.
There are many scare stories that excessive exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer but there are also some fantastic benefits to exposing your skin to the sun, but of course in moderation.
What you need to make sure of is that you limit the amount of exposure you are actually receiving from the sun. The sun is normally very hot after 10am up until 3 pm. So during these times you should make sure that you are wearing suitable clothing and good sun block.
When it is hot you will sweat and this sweating will help to release any unwanted toxins from the body. Another great thing about the sun is that is does lift your spirits and can have a big impact if you feeling a little low.
It is quite often noted that during the winter months when the days are much shorter, the moods of people are very different compared to the when the days are long and the sun is shining.
As mentioned earlier the sun is a valuable source of Vitamin D and this is needed in order to maintain the immune system and so allowing the body to fight off infection and disease.
Having less toxins in the body will also make you feel more active, less sluggish and you will also look and feel a great deal better. Another important benefit of Vitamin D is that it extends to the muscles, and therefore prevents muscle wastage.
Generally you do not need to be worried about spending time in the sun. All that is required is that you take the necessary precautions by wearing suitable clothing and wearing a good sun lotion or sun block with a high SPF.
The suns rays are also known as UV rays and when the sun is at extreme temperatures these rays can do damage to the skin such as burning. Too much sun exposure is not advised at all, and ignoring this can result in burning of the skin and also premature ageing.
So if you are to embark in the outdoors when the sun is shining you need to be making sure that you are using a good sun lotion or better still that you wear a sun block. What you need to ensure is that the SPF is high. The brand nor the price or factors in how well your skin will be protected.
There are many scare stories that excessive exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer but there are also some fantastic benefits to exposing your skin to the sun, but of course in moderation.
What you need to make sure of is that you limit the amount of exposure you are actually receiving from the sun. The sun is normally very hot after 10am up until 3 pm. So during these times you should make sure that you are wearing suitable clothing and good sun block.
When it is hot you will sweat and this sweating will help to release any unwanted toxins from the body. Another great thing about the sun is that is does lift your spirits and can have a big impact if you feeling a little low.
It is quite often noted that during the winter months when the days are much shorter, the moods of people are very different compared to the when the days are long and the sun is shining.
As mentioned earlier the sun is a valuable source of Vitamin D and this is needed in order to maintain the immune system and so allowing the body to fight off infection and disease.
Having less toxins in the body will also make you feel more active, less sluggish and you will also look and feel a great deal better. Another important benefit of Vitamin D is that it extends to the muscles, and therefore prevents muscle wastage.
Generally you do not need to be worried about spending time in the sun. All that is required is that you take the necessary precautions by wearing suitable clothing and wearing a good sun lotion or sun block with a high SPF.