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Staying Strong Will Help You Survive Our Busy Modern World

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We live in a modern world where things happen in the blink of an eye.
Communication and transport make life fast and to keep up we have to remain young.
Young at heart, young in mind and young in body regardless of our actual age has become the principal of survival in this environment.
Yet this busy world and its fast pace creates stress that actually makes us age faster.
We are all so busy that often we neglect the very important things like proper exercise and healthy eating that can help keep us young and allow us to keep up with the rest of the world.
Another factor that causes us to age faster is the fact that our modern world has become so sedentary and inactive.
Many people spend a large part of their day seated either at work and again at home watching television or on the internet.
This has a disastrous effect on the human body as the muscular system no longer receives enough of the activity and stimulation that it needs to remain healthy.
When it does it not receive the signals to stay strong the human body starts to lose its muscle tissue which starts to dwindle away in the mid 20's unless of course something is done to stop it.
If you want to stay in good shape and remain as youthful as possible you have to begin adding lean muscle tissue to your frame.
Here is why: Muscle tissue comprises between 30 -50% of a persons body weight and is highly metabolically active.
This means it needs lots of fuel (calories) to maintain itself.
Even when you sleep your muscles are responsible for more than 25 percent of your calorie use.
Adding a mere 3 pounds of lean muscle tissue through proper strength training exercise will increase your metabolism (the rate you burn fuel) by around 10 percent.
Think of the implications of this over the long term.
You will burn off unwanted body fat without having to resort to dieting.
You will have more energy, vitality, vigor and look and feel years (even decades) younger.
And the biggie - you will have greater protection from disease which stalks and attacks one out or every two people on this planet.
People who want to keep up with life in general in this rapidly changing world along with the desire to stay active and competitive have to enlist proper exercise strategies.
This is your lifeline along with good nutrition so you can continue a vibrant and exciting lifestyle as well as preventing disease.
Your strength training program needs to be set up and monitored by a fitness professional for best results and it must also be regular and consistent.
Don't be concerned if you do not see immediate results as you are taking steps to counter the aging process and that is the important thing to remember.
The result that you want with your exercise program is to replace bad habits (not exercising) with healthy ones and you will feel the many benefits that come with your positive choice.
An overall stronger body along with stronger systems and processes will help ensure you can remain active and competitive in whatever opportunities come your way in life, no matter your age.
Strength training exercise will deliver this to you and much more if you give it the chance.

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