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Burn Fat While Building Muscle – It is Possible

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Burn fat while building muscle is the goal for a lot of people making a gym membership. But there are unfortunately some common misconceptions about burn fat while building muscle, because of theories and tricks that just happens to be better than every other.

If we look through all the marketing hype, we will realize that we want a combination of bulking and cutting to burn fat while building muscle.

When bodybuilders have bulking in mind, they eat a lot of foods and increase their calorie intake more than most people could imagine. When they have to go on a cutting diet, they take it to the other extreme and decrease their calorie intake a lot and follow it very strict. You also have to be strict when you burn fat while building muscle.

But we can use all of that as our advantage to get the best from both worlds. The following guidelines are some most bodybuilding experts will tell you on how to burn fat while building muscle.

Burn Fat While Building Muscle – Workout and Cardio

We will start out by looking at how you should include workout in the burn fat while building muscle journey journey. Don't train days in a row, but rather keep it every other day, so that you workout 3-4 times a week.

The exercises that we want to burn fat while building muscle with, are compound exercises that targets more muscle groups at the same time. They also put stress on your muscles and thereby make them grow.

You should workout in the middle of your day, early evening so that you have about 6-7 hours before your sleep. When you are later in your day, your carbohydrates will be lower and your body will use some of your fat storages as energy, which is how we will burn fat while building muscle.

Cardio is also key to burn fat while building muscle, but not all kind of cardio. The cardio we are talking about is referred to HIT cardio. Let's take running on the treadmill as an example for this burn fat while building muscle tip.

You start out by jogging for about 5 minutes and then you run like crazy for 20 seconds and jog for 40 seconds. Repeat this about 12 times and cool down for about 4 minutes.

This type of cardio should be done about 3 times a week, together with 1 long duration cardio that is not too hard for you. Burn fat while building muscle will become easy for you with this concept.

Burn Fat While Building Muscle – Nutrition

Nutrition is absolutely key to burn fat while building muscle. It demands a whole chapter for itself, but we I will quickly mention some facts that can help you to burn fat while building muscle.

- Get a good amount of carbohydrate in your post workout meal.
- Your diet should consist of lean meat, fibers and vegetables.
- Right before your workout, take a protein shake with carbohydrates
- Lower your carbohydrates as you go along the day, all the way to your sleeping time.

The above tips are all great to burn fat while building muscle, apply them and see for yourself.

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