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How to Lose Weight After a Pregnancy

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If you're not used to carrying extra body weight, it can make you feel very insecure after giving birth.
Below are two tips on how to lose weight after a pregnancy.
When To Schedule Exercise One of the main obstacles for losing weight after a pregnancy is finding time and energy to exercise.
The first six months can be the most demanding for new mothers, because the baby is completely dependent throughout the entire day.
Some try to schedule exercise during the baby's nap only to learn how exhausting this routine becomes.
Your new baby not only uses your physical energy but also demands and exhausts your mental attention.
A more reasonable routine would be to find ways to exercise with the baby while awake, then rest during naps.
Using a stroller to take your baby for a walk in the park provides great exercise for you and visual stimulation for your child.
Finding ways to exercise together will also reinforce the positive activity and make your baby want to move and be active as she begins to mimic your behavior.
Realistic Expectations Carrying extra body fat can begin to make you feel insecure, especially if you were fit before the pregnancy.
It creates the scenario where you're in a rush to lose weight and become frustrated with any lack of progress.
It's important to have realistic expectations and keep in mind the traumatic event your body just experienced.
Giving birth is perhaps the most demanding human experience, so no one should expect you to look like a super-model within eight weeks.
Adopting realistic expectations will also help you maintain a long term weight goal.
Dieters who expect instant results are often disappointed and more likely to abandon their weight loss plan.
If you're still breast feeding you'll also want to avoid drastic calorie slashing diets.
It may take longer to lose weight but you'll make sure you're providing the needed nutrients for you growing baby.

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