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Discover Which STD Most People Are Infected With

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Over the last ten years the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia has been on the rise. The rise in numbers of infected people includes both males and females.

The Reason Why It Is Escalating

There are several indicators that can be associated with rise in this common STD. An important reason for the rise is the improvement being made in screening technology that has resulted in more people being diagnosed with the disease. One other factor is that more communication campaigns have been promoted to help educate those most at risk of the dangers of this disease.

How It's Caused

This particular sexually transmitted disease is caused by a bacteria that infects both a man and woman's genital regions. People are infected by the disease when they have unprotected sex with another infected person. As well as the genitals the infections can spread to the eyes and cause conjunctivitis.

Young people who are young, sexually active and have unportected sex with many partners are most at risk of being infected with this disease and other more serious diseases. When people become infected the most common thing they say is chlamydia curable? Fortunately, this disease can be easily treated and cleared within a few weeks of being diagnosed. As the STD is caused by a bacterial infection it can be successfully treated with antibiotic pills.

Many Affected People Show No Signs

Many of the people that have the disease do not show any signs that they have it and this can make the condition very hard to identify and treat. This can also contribute to an increase of infections because those infected do not realize they have the disease.

For this reason, if you feel you are in a high risk group, show no outward signs then, you should make an appointment to have a test. There should be a nearby clinic or hospital that offer tests to the general public. The test usually means the doctor or health care worker taking a swab sample from the infected area. Alternatively, another method of diagnosing the disease is to provide a urine sample.

The Symptoms

Even though symptom's are hard to identify and in many cases do not show, there are signs that can indicate an infection. In men for example, the symptoms can be a white discharge from the penis. Another common symptom is a burning sensation when urinating.

In women, symptom's can include pain or cramps in the lower abdominal area. Adverse health complications can result if this disease is not treated and most notably for women. In certain cases the women can permanently damage her reproductive organs which can lead to infertility.

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