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Tips to Control Oil on Face

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    • Evaluate your facial skin cleansing products. Many people with oily skin mistakenly believe that using harsh cleansers or scrubs on their face will help control oily breakthrough. In actuality, using harsh cleansing practices irritates the skin and causes it to react by producing more oil.

      Genetics typically causes this condition, so no amount of cleansing will stop oily skin from producing oil. Using the correct products, however, helps the skin remain clean and removes surface oil that may block the pores, causing breakouts. Look for moisturizer-free cleaners that do not contain exfoliating ingredients.


    • Purchase a clay-based mask and use it twice a week. Dr. Howard Donsky tells readers of that clay masks absorb oil, leaving skin feeling and looking better temporarily. Remember that this short-term fix will not permanently treat the oily skin issue.


    • Even oily skin benefits from the correct moisturizer. Look for one that contains oil-controlling agents. Additionally, find a product that has SPF for sun protection. This helps fight future aging and protect the skin from possible sun damage, which could produce more oil.


    • Be selective when choosing a foundation. Consider using foundation that helps control oily breakthrough. Many people with oily skin benefit by using a mineral foundation powder that both absorbs excess oil on the skin and creates a more even-looking appearance.


    • advises site visitors to have a diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Including vitamin C and foods low in fat and carbohydrates can promote healthier skin.
      Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout your day as well. recommends six to eight glasses daily.

    Managing Oil

    • Consider keeping blotting paper in your purse or desk at work. These thin sheets absorb oil when gently pressed to the skin on the face while leaving makeup intact.


    • When all else fails, consult your doctor to discuss prescription remedies for very oily skin. For example, the oral drug Accutane greatly reduces oily skin and continues to work on a long-term basis, even when the drug course is complete.


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