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Haircut Styles for Women's Long Hair

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    The Layered Look

    The Shag Haircut

    • Shag hairstyles became popular during the 1960s and 1970s, when rock musicians like David Bowie and Rod Stewart made them acceptable for men, according to the website The term refers to the "shaggy" look created by shortened layers, according to Still, making this style work for long hair requires as few layers as possible. Adding too many layers overwhelms the effect and makes the style look messy, according to

    Braided Styles

    • Pulling the hair back in braids is another option, especially for women on the go, according to the website French braids have become an especially popular way of adding creativity to a simple hairdo, according to This requires plaiting three strands of hair into smaller braids, which are gradually interwoven to make one smooth large braid. This technique keeps the hair in one place and needs little maintenance throughout a busy day.

    Long Curly Locks

    • Curls, waves and textures offer an effective way to frame the face and create a distinctive look, says The most common means of creating them is a permanent wave, or "perm," which requires undergoing a chemical process to curl the hair. The effect can also be achieved with curling irons or hair rollers. However, this method tends to be more time-consuming and lasts only until the hair is washed.

    Wavy Tresses And Bangs


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